Carolina Workshop on Forces in Biology is coming up in May

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Tim O'Brien Sr. Tim O'Brien Sr.
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Carolina Workshop on Forces in Biology is coming up in May

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DearConfocal listserve users,**

After a haitus of one year, we are looking forward to presenting our
workshop on the application and analysis of  forces in biological
systems this May, 15th -18th.  The description and links for more
information are presented below, but the main points are that seats are
filling up fast thus far, but there are a few remaining.  Costs are low,
and this is a great way to get hands-on familiarity with methods and
theory for applying and assessing the reactions to forces on cells and
other biologic materials. Hope you can make it!

Tim O'Brien
UNC Chapel Hill

Carolina Workshop on Force Measurements and Manipulation in Biological

*The seventh annual Carolina Workshop on Force Measurement and
Manipulation in Biological Microscopy, is scheduled for May 15-18th, 2012.*

Our workshop is hosted by CISMM, our NIH resource (Computer Integrated
Systems for Microscopy and Manipulation;  It consists of
morning lectures followed by hands-on experiments that use micron-scale
application of forces on live specimens.  The morning discussions
provide a framework for understanding and analyzing forces on the micro
and nanoscales, and serve as an introduction to the afternoon's
experiments. The afternoon sessions are hands-on laboratories where you
perform force measurements such as stretching fibrin fibers and pulling
on living cells. Experiments use laser tweezers, an integrated atomic
force microscopy/optical microscopy system, and 3D magnetic systems
integrated with a fluorescence confocal microscope. We also include an
introduction to microfluidics. Finally, participants spend a half day
learning to use some of the many free software packages available from
our resource that facilitate the analysis and visualization of 3D images
and forces in biological systems. Registration is limited to 18, so you
have lots of hands-on time with the microscopes. The $200 fee includes
all supplies, light breakfasts, snacks and a conference dinner.

**This year's conference dinner will include a keynote talk by Clare
Waterman from the National Institutes of Health.*  Hope to see you there!

*Application Deadline is April, 1, 2012*

To register, please visit (on-line registration is required):

. UNC-CH Event Registration:
. Click on the "Browse" link.
. Select your conference "Carolina Workshop on Force Measurement &
Manipulation in Biological Microscopy".
. Select "Click here to register for this event".
. Then follow the instructions.

  Please contact Cassandra Houston with questions or concerns:
[hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>

Thank you for your interest,

E. Tim O'Brien Sr.
Computer Integrated Systems for Microscopy and Manipulation
UNC Physics and Astronomy
UNC Chapel Hill, NC 27599
919 843 2798