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Charleston Conference on Mitochondrial Physiology and Pathobiology, November 15-18, 2009

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Lemasters, John J. Lemasters, John J.
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Charleston Conference on Mitochondrial Physiology and Pathobiology, November 15-18, 2009

Dear colleagues,


We write to advise you of updates regarding the Charleston Conference on Mitochondrial Physiology and Pathobiology at the Wild Dunes Resort on the Isle of Palms near Charleston, South Carolina, November 15-18, 2009:


*New! A student and postdoctoral trainee discount is available

*New! A limited number of student and postdoctoral travel awards are available

*New! The final program is posted on-line


These updates can be found at our website:




When: November 15-18, 2009

Where: Wild Dunes Resort, Isle of Palms, South Carolina


*Early registration ends October 1!

The registration fee includes: access to talks and posters, abstract book, dinner on Sunday and Monday, Tuesday evening Low Country Boil reception, breakfast Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, lunch Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, mid-session refreshments.

Register at <a href="http://" title="blocked::http:///">http://www.musc.edu/ceramide/pharmconference/index.htm


We look forward to seeing you soon.


Craig C. Beeson

John J. Lemasters

Medical University of South Carolina



Ron Anderson-4 Ron Anderson-4
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Re: Charleston Conference on Mitochondrial Physiology and Pathobiology, November 15-18, 2009

Thanks, John, but our September issue is in press now and the
announcement is too late for the November issue. We would be happy to
run your announcements but please send them at least 4 or 5 months ahead
of time.

Ron Anderson
Microscopy Today

Lemasters, John wrote:

> Dear colleagues,
> We write to advise you of updates regarding the Charleston Conference
> on Mitochondrial Physiology and Pathobiology at the Wild Dunes Resort
> on the Isle of Palms near Charleston, South Carolina, *November 15-18,
> 2009:*
> **New!* A student and postdoctoral trainee discount is available
> **New!* A limited number of student and postdoctoral travel awards are
> available
> **New!* The final program is *posted on-line*
> These updates can be found at our website:
> http://www.musc.edu/ceramide/pharmconference/index.htm
> When: *November 15-18, 2009*
> Where: Wild Dunes Resort, Isle of Palms, South Carolina
> **Early registration ends October 1!*
> The registration fee includes: access to talks and posters, abstract
> book, dinner on Sunday and Monday, Tuesday evening Low Country Boil
> reception, breakfast Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, lunch Monday,
> Tuesday, and Wednesday, mid-session refreshments.
> Register at http://www.musc.edu/ceramide/pharmconference/index.htm
> We look forward to seeing you soon.
> Craig C. Beeson
> John J. Lemasters
> Medical University of South Carolina
Amanda M. Lawrence Amanda M. Lawrence
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Re: Charleston Conference on Mitochondrial Physiology....

Speaking of Charleston....

SEMS is going to be in Charleston (SC) this year May 24-26.  Will be at the Francis Marion hotel which is right downtown in the heart of the historic district.

Mark you calendars so the two of you will come!

>>> Ron Anderson <[hidden email]> 8/25/2009 12:21 PM >>>
Thanks, John, but our September issue is in press now and the
announcement is too late for the November issue. We would be happy to
run your announcements but please send them at least 4 or 5 months ahead
of time.

Ron Anderson
Microscopy Today

Lemasters, John wrote:

> Dear colleagues,
> We write to advise you of updates regarding the Charleston Conference
> on Mitochondrial Physiology and Pathobiology at the Wild Dunes Resort
> on the Isle of Palms near Charleston, South Carolina, *November 15-18,
> 2009:*
> **New!* A student and postdoctoral trainee discount is available
> **New!* A limited number of student and postdoctoral travel awards are
> available
> **New!* The final program is *posted on-line*
> These updates can be found at our website:
> http://www.musc.edu/ceramide/pharmconference/index.htm 
> When: *November 15-18, 2009*
> Where: Wild Dunes Resort, Isle of Palms, South Carolina
> **Early registration ends October 1!*
> The registration fee includes: access to talks and posters, abstract
> book, dinner on Sunday and Monday, Tuesday evening Low Country Boil
> reception, breakfast Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, lunch Monday,
> Tuesday, and Wednesday, mid-session refreshments.
> Register at http://www.musc.edu/ceramide/pharmconference/index.htm 
> We look forward to seeing you soon.
> Craig C. Beeson
> John J. Lemasters
> Medical University of South Carolina
Guy Cox Guy Cox
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Re: Charleston Conference on Mitochondrial Physiology....

Sounds like we'll need a time machine to get to that one!

>SEMS is going to be in Charleston (SC) this year May 24-26.  Will be at
the Francis Marion hotel which is right downtown in the heart of the
historic district.

Optical Imaging Techniques in Cell Biology
by Guy Cox    CRC Press / Taylor & Francis
Associate Professor Guy Cox, MA, DPhil(Oxon)
Electron Microscope Unit, Madsen Building F09,
University of Sydney, NSW 2006
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