Cirklo award * Commercial Post *

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Nuno Moreno Nuno Moreno
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Cirklo award * Commercial Post *

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Dear all

we would like to announce that Cirklo Award was attributed to Pedro Almada, University College London.

Title : "Open Microfluidics Hardware for Cell Biology"

Pedro won a MacBook retina and LMBC@UCL 2-year subscription of Agendo, our solution for core facility management.

They made a very nice work with LEGO, Arduino and Micromanager to setup micro-fluidcs in a microscope (or elsewhere). More details in

A very many tanks to the prize referees

Julien Colombelli, Head of imaging facility (IRB, Barcelona, Spain)
Tim Bushnell, Director URMC Shared Resource Laboratorie (URMC, Rochester, USA)
Tom Baden, Research Fellow at Institute for Ophthalmic Research (Tuebingen, Germany)

Nuno Moreno
Agendo: schedule your control