Commercial Post: 3i Lattice LightSheet Webinar Next Week

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samuel connell samuel connell
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Commercial Post: 3i Lattice LightSheet Webinar Next Week

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Lattice LightSheet: A Microscope for High-Resolution, Fast, and Gentle 3D
Live Cell Imaging

Sneak preview made by 3i Applications Scientist, Dr. Daniel von Wangenheim

First developed by Nobel Laureate Dr. Eric Betzig, the 3i Lattice
LightSheet microscope is capable of imaging biological systems spanning
four orders of magnitude in space and time. The system generates an optical
lattice to create an ultra-thin light sheet to image biological samples
over long periods of time and with very fine resolution. This allows for 4D
living cell imaging, where experiments limited to seconds or minutes on
other imaging platforms can be extended to hours or even days. The
combination of high spatiotemporal resolution, imaging speed and
sensitivity make Lattice LightSheet the ultimate imaging tool for a new era
of living cell microscopy. Join this webinar to learn more about our
second-generation Lattice LightSheet instrument and how it can be used in
your experiments!

For more information on the Lattice LightSheet, visit

Please sign up at our Webinars
<> page, or the direct
links below:
*Europe:* May 26 | 3PM BST | 4PM CEST
*North America:* May 26 | 10AM PDT | 11AM MDT | 1PM EDT
*Asia & Australia:* May 27 | 10AM CST | 12PM AEST

We look forward to seeing you there!

The 3i Team
Nikos Ekizoglou - Planelight Nikos Ekizoglou - Planelight
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Commercial Post-Webinar: SPIM-OPT Webinar June 11

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*360º capture of large samples: the hot SPOT of isotropic imaging*

_What's New?_

PlaneLight announces the third webinar featuring innovative imaging
features in Light Sheet Fluorescent Microscopy. In this *LIVE* session
we will demonstrate how to obtain a truly isotropic image from a large
sample (around 10 mm thick) using our patented Statistical Projection
Optical Tomography (SPOT). SPOT, a combination of SPIM and OPT,
overcomes sample limitations in terms of clearing and optically dense
areas, evenly illuminating and detecting all areas of the sample, which
ensures optimal excitation of fluorophores.

We will image the specimen from 360º, and integrate the data in a single
set of images with increased resolution and signal to noise ratio. This
approach builds on:

  *   Our ability to rotate the sample
  *   The fastest SPIM imaging on the market (featured in our first
    webinar, available at
  * An intuitive software that guides the user to optimize the
    reconstruction and executes it in a few minutes

*June 11 2020 *

First Session: TIME 11:00 AM CET Check your time zone

Second Session: TIME 18:00 PM CET Check your time zone

Please sign up at:

Hope to see you there!
All the best, and stay safe

*We make sheet happen*
Best Regards,
Nikos Ekizoglou, PhD
Project Manager

Plane Light S.L.
Edificio CTM O-309
28053 Madrid (Spain)
Phone: +34 911 130 824
Cell: +34 675966041 <>

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samuel connell samuel connell
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Commercial Post: 3i VIVO Intravital Microscopy Webinar Next Week

In reply to this post by samuel connell
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3i would like to invite everyone to our next webinar on July 14th/15th
where we will present our VIVO Intravital Microscopy Platform for
Cardiovascular Studies

, or *scroll down* to get registered.
*Europe: *July 14 | 3PM BST | 4PM CEST
*North America: *July 14 | 10AM PDT | 11AM MDT | 1PM EDT
*Asia & Australia: *July 15 | 10AM CST | 12PM AEST

The VIVO platform incorporates advanced optics, cameras, computers and
proprietary electronics to achieve unparalleled speed, precision and
flexibility in live tissue image acquisition. The configuration of the VIVO
system is designed to allow the presentation and maintenance of healthy
live tissue without compromising high sensitivity imaging at high speeds.
Innovative SlideBook software works seamlessly within VIVO for powerful and
intuitive image acquisition and analysis. Join this webinar to learn more
about how VIVO can be used in your experiments.

We look forward to seeing you there!

The 3i Team

Sam Connell

Director of Sales

