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Commercial announcement - nano Huygens User Group Meeting, Maastricht, March 24

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Wouter van Beerendonk Wouter van Beerendonk
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Commercial announcement - nano Huygens User Group Meeting, Maastricht, March 24

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  Dear All,

Apologies for the commercial intrusion but I would like to make you all
aware of the upcoming nano Huygens User Group Meeting in Maastricht on
March 24, 2013 prior to the Focus On Microscopy meeting held at the same

When you are interested in attending and would like more information,
please follow this link: http://www.svi.nl/article31

Best regards,


Wouter van Beerendonk, MSc
Account Manager / Imaging Specialist
Scientific Volume Imaging bv
[hidden email]
Tel:  + 31 35 646 82 17