*Commercial post* Open source analysis software for raw FLIM data

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André Devaux André Devaux
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*Commercial post* Open source analysis software for raw FLIM data

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Hello everyone,

Stan brought up a good question about analysis software for FLIM data.
Raw FLIM data can be stored in PicoQuant .ptu files. PTU is an open file
format, which was developed by PicoQuant, but has been adopted by the
scientific community. A (non-exhaustive) list of open source software
that is compatible with ptu files can found here:


Please note that PicoQuant is not affiliated with any of the listed open
source projects

The newest addition to this list is FLIMJ, an open-source ImageJ toolkit:


Should you have any questions about the ptu file format, feel free to
contact us at [hidden email]

Best regards,

André Devaux
Technical writer
PicoQuant GmbH


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URL: http://www.picoquant.com

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