*Commercial post* Virtual lab visit to perform real experiments

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André Devaux André Devaux
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*Commercial post* Virtual lab visit to perform real experiments

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Dear list members,

As we are not yet able to visit or welcome every customer in person, we
would like to invite you for a virtual stay in our application lab in

Here you can get a closer look at our MicroTime 200 microscopy platform
and have in-depth discussions with our application specialists from the
safety and comfort of your own place.

These remote demo sessions are not limited to just talking about
instrument specifications or theoretical aspects. We are also more than
happy to perform real measurements together with you, using samples that
you send us.

Setting up such a visit is quite simple: check out he link below:

We look forward to seeing you (virtually) in our application lab!

Best regards,
André Devaux
Technical writer
PicoQuant GmbH


postal address: Rudower Chaussee 29, 12489 Berlin, Germany
shipping address: Kekuléstraße 7, 12489 Berlin, Germany

Tel: +49-30-1208820-644
Fax: +49-30-1208820-90
URL: http://www.picoquant.com

HRB 60901 Berlin Charlottenburg, Managing Director Rainer Erdmann
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