Commercial post: Webinar announcement: "Let's Talk About" webinar series

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Erik Manders-3 Erik Manders-3
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Commercial post: Webinar announcement: "Let's Talk About" webinar series

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Dear all,

I would like you to take notice of the first lecture in our new webinar series “Let’s Talk About” organized by
The lectures in this series will have a scientific character with the focus on how-things-work and what-can-you-do-with-it.

The first episode of this series is called "Let's Talk About RCM" where I will give an introduction to the RCM technology, explain how it works and talk about its possible applications. After the lecture, my colleague Jeroen Kole will give a live demonstration of the basic techniques. Feel free to jump in and ask anything you would like to know about RCM!

Please register for our first “Let’s Talk About” webinar via the link:

Date/time:  Thursday 7th of May, 10am CEST.

See you on Thursday !!
Kind regards, Erik Manders, CTO of
Manolo Martinez Manolo Martinez
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Plenoptic eyepiece

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Dear friends,

let me call your attention about the Plenoptic Eyepiece. It is an add-on that when inserted at the ocular port, transform any microscope into a lightfield 3D microscope.

I think that this add-on can be of great interest for the microscopist community, since it alllows the capture and management of 3D images in real time.

You can find complete information in

Best regards

Manolo Martinez Corral                                         Department of Optics. University of Valencia
Fellow of the OSA                                                  Calle Doctor Moliner 50, E46100 Burjassot, Spain
Fellow of the SPIE                                                 Phone: +34 96354 4718    Fax: +34 96354 4715
3D Imaging & Display Laboratory                