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Confocal Application Specialist

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Kris.Caldwell Kris.Caldwell
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Confocal Application Specialist

Leica Microsystems is a leading global designer and producer of innovative high-
tech precision optics systems for the analysis of microstructures.

It is one of the market leaders in each of the fields of Microscopy, Confocal
Laser Scanning Microscopy, Imaging Systems, Specimen Preparation and
Medical Equipment.

Comprising nine manufacturing facilities in seven countries, sales and service
companies in 20 countries and an international network of dealers, the
company is represented in over 100 countries.

This dynamic person will be responsible for the qualification of customer needs,
demos and specifications of confocal systems, system sales, coordination of
installations, user training, applications support and customer support.

You will also be responsible for selling the Leica's line of confocal imaging
systems to customers located in Universities and research labs within the

Bachelor's degree (advanced degree is preferred)
Three years of hands on experience in confocal microscopy with practical
knowledge of confocal applications and fluorescence microscopy.
Application support experience
Experience with PC's, networking, output devices and image processing are

Submit your resume to- [hidden email].

Please no third party solicitations, thank you.
Prof Hindsight Prof Hindsight
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Re: Confocal Application Specialist

Interesting.  Does this rather challenging "global" position come with a Learjet or at least an annual travel season ticket?
Intriguingly yours,

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 8:19 PM, Leica Recruiting <[hidden email]> wrote:
Leica Microsystems is a leading global designer and producer of innovative high-
tech precision optics systems for the analysis of microstructures.

It is one of the market leaders in each of the fields of Microscopy, Confocal
Laser Scanning Microscopy, Imaging Systems, Specimen Preparation and
Medical Equipment.

Comprising nine manufacturing facilities in seven countries, sales and service
companies in 20 countries and an international network of dealers, the
company is represented in over 100 countries.

This dynamic person will be responsible for the qualification of customer needs,
demos and specifications of confocal systems, system sales, coordination of
installations, user training, applications support and customer support.

You will also be responsible for selling the Leica's line of confocal imaging
systems to customers located in Universities and research labs within the

Bachelor's degree (advanced degree is preferred)
Three years of hands on experience in confocal microscopy with practical
knowledge of confocal applications and fluorescence microscopy.
Application support experience
Experience with PC's, networking, output devices and image processing are

Submit your resume to- [hidden email].

Please no third party solicitations, thank you.

stu_the_flat stu_the_flat
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Re: Confocal Application Specialist

I would assume they would just fly all the confocal units and customers to you in order to save time!

Prof Hindsight wrote
Interesting.  Does this rather challenging "global" position come with a
Learjet or at least an annual travel season ticket?

Intriguingly yours,


On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 8:19 PM, Leica Recruiting <
kris.caldwell@leica-microsystems.com> wrote:

> Leica Microsystems is a leading global designer and producer of innovative
> high-
> tech precision optics systems for the analysis of microstructures.
> It is one of the market leaders in each of the fields of Microscopy,
> Confocal
> Laser Scanning Microscopy, Imaging Systems, Specimen Preparation and
> Medical Equipment.
> Comprising nine manufacturing facilities in seven countries, sales and
> service
> companies in 20 countries and an international network of dealers, the
> company is represented in over 100 countries.
> This dynamic person will be responsible for the qualification of customer
> needs,
> demos and specifications of confocal systems, system sales, coordination of
> installations, user training, applications support and customer support.
> You will also be responsible for selling the Leica's line of confocal
> imaging
> systems to customers located in Universities and research labs within the
> territory.
> Requirements
> Bachelor's degree (advanced degree is preferred)
> Three years of hands on experience in confocal microscopy with practical
> knowledge of confocal applications and fluorescence microscopy.
> Application support experience
> Experience with PC's, networking, output devices and image processing are
> expected.
> www.leica-microsystems.com
> Submit your resume to- kris.caldwell@leica-microsystems.com.
> Please no third party solicitations, thank you.