Confocal Microscopes Available for Sale

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Bryan Hoffman Bryan Hoffman
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Confocal Microscopes Available for Sale

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Boston Microscopes sells new and used/refurbished microscopes, cameras and imagers.  We recently expanded to Confocal Microscopes as well.  I was looking into input as to the interest level for purchased used/refurbished confocal microscopes.

We just got this set in similar to the Ultraview system setup and can be attached to a number of microscope options such as the TI-S that we have in stock:
Yokogawa CSU22 Spinning Disk Confocal System (Brand new/in box)
Hamamatsu C9100-13 EMCCD
PI PIFOC 721.CDQ/P-721.10 (Brand new/in box)
iFlex Viper 5-Line Laser System (Lightly used - less than 20 hours of use per laser, with a Measurement Computing DAQ High Speed USB-3103 Controller
iFlex Viper System has 2 Laser units:
The primary one has 5 lasers with the following wavelengths:

The backup one has 3 lasers with the following wavelengths:


We also have an LSM 500 with Zeiss Observer Z1.

We were offered a Zeiss LSM 700 with an Observer Z1 and curious to see if there was interest from the list serve for it.

Contact us to discuss this further.