Full time,
competitive salary range, nearly same benefits as faculty,
except it is a 12 month position
Job Summary:
maintain, supervise and provide instruction principally on
confocal microscopy and related ancillary equipment in a core
light/electron imaging facility
duties and percentage of time spent on each duty. (total
1. Aiding
and consulting researchers in (1) designing experiments in
microscopy; (2) preparing materials for observation using
preparation methods available in SRNML; (3) operating advanced
optical microscopes and ancillary equipment (40%)
2. Maintaining
and repairing equipment, perform preventative maintenance
regimes and monitor equipment performance (20%)
3. Participating
in instrument instruction and training in advanced microscopic
equipment; convey operational principles, criteria and
mathematical bases of equipment in the SRNML; participate as
adjunct instructor in relevant academic department capable of
instructing lecture and lab exercises at a graduate student
level of knowledge. (20%)
4. Contributing
to existing and future outreach programs in conjunction with
affiliated and(or) regional professional organizations of
major national professional organizations. (10%)
5. Personal
and professional development in an area involving microscopy
research either independently or in collaboration with OU
researchers and(or) other researchers with participation in
ISI-rated national or international publications. (10%)
6. Develop,
cooperatively with SRNML staff, a graduate course in
biophotonics with emphasis on emerging confocal techniques and
equipment informed by talents, strength and expertise of
current faculty, postdocs and students in funded and emerging
areas of relevant research. (Contributory goal involving all
above goals that will address promise to NSF to supply formal
equipment training in equipment and fundamental concepts of
advanced optical technology for the purchased equipment and to
propel continued development of state-of-the-art
uses of this technology.