Course Announcement: 2012 QB3/UCSF Course in Biological Light Microscopy

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Kurt Thorn Kurt Thorn
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Course Announcement: 2012 QB3/UCSF Course in Biological Light Microscopy

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Hi All -

I'm pleased to announce that Bo Huang and I will be holding an intensive
week-long course in biological light microscopy at UC San Francisco from
March 26th - April 1. This course will cover the full range of modern
biological light microscopy, starting with image formation in the
microscope and ending with new super-resolution methods. Confocal,
fluorescence, TIRF, two-photon, FRAP, and many other techniques will be
covered as well. The course will be approximately half lecture and half
hands-on microscope time.

Applications are due by January 15th 2012. For more information and to
apply, please see

Please also pass this announcement along to anyone you know who might be

Kurt Thorn