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Dear all,
We would like to draw your attention to our 7th EMBL Super-Resolution microscopy course from July 12th to 16th.
We paused the course last year and return this year with a focused curriculum centered on STED super-resolution microscopy in a virtual format:
“Super-Resolution Microscopy: Time-Resolved STED Nanoscopy”
We aim to transfer the hands-on feeling of a face-to-face course as much as possible into the virtual world by having remote workshops in small groups allowing participants intensive discussions and creating ‘hands-on’-feeling by providing remote control of the microscope. The workshops will be complemented by presentations, discussions and tutorials by invited guest scientists and experts from the EMBL and Leica Microsystems.
Covered topics:
- Sample preparation for STED microscopy
- Technical implementations – CW-STED, pulsed-STED, gated-STED, time-resolved STED (tauSTED)
- Multi-Color 2D and 3D STED microscopy
- Image acquisition strategies for live-cell STED
- STED Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (STED-FCS)
To enable virtual participation from many regions of the world (well, you might have to become an early bird or stay-up late), we have an adapted schedule for this international course - for more information, please have a look at:
https://www.embl.org/about/info/course-and-conference-office/events/mic21-03/Application deadline is May 10th!
The course will be supported by Leica Microsystems.
On behalf of the organizing committee,
Dr. Marko Lampe
Advanced Light Microscopy Facility
EMBL Heidelberg
D - 69117 Heidelberg
Phone +49(0)6221 387-8884