Course announcement | Optical MicroscopyImaging for Biosciences | 12th Edition, i3S

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Course announcement | Optical MicroscopyImaging for Biosciences | 12th Edition, i3S

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*Course on Optical Microscopy Imaging for Biosciences | 12th Edition*

*23-27 March 2020 | i3S, Porto*

The 12th edition of the Course on Optical Microscopy Imaging for
Biosciences offers to the participants a comprehensive light microscopy
course that explores the fundamentals of light microscopy and introduces
the state-of-art of advanced fluorescence microscopy techniques. The
course will flow from sample preparation to quantitative image analysis.
It will include theoretical lectures taught by specialists in the field
and hand-on practical modules supported by the major microscopy
companies where the participants will have the opportunity to take work
with high-end microscopy resources.

*Program Topics*

·Specimen preparation;

·Light proprieties and image formation;

·Optical contrast techniques in transmission light microscopy;

·Fluorescence microscopy techniques: wild-field, laser scanning
confocal, two-photon, TIRF and light-sheet; Live cell imaging;

·Analyzing biomolecular interactions and dynamics: FRET, FLIM, FRAP, PA, FC;

·Super-resolution microscopy;

·Quantitative image analysis.

*Target Audience: *The course is designed to master and Ph.D. students,
early career researchers plus all other people interested in acquiring
skills in optical microscopy.

*Course Coordination:*Paula Sampaio | [hidden email]
<mailto:[hidden email]>

*For registration or more


*Paula Sampaio, PhD.*

*Advanced Light Microscopy unit, Head*

*Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto*

*Rua Alfredo Allen, 208 | 4200-135 Porto, Portugal*

*Floor 0 | Room 003S4*

*Tel: +351 226074985 | Geral: +351 220408800 | ext:6019| e-mail:
**[hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>*

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*IBMC Team Member*



*PPBI - Portuguese Platform of BioImaging*

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*Network of European Bioimage Analysts - NEUBIAS*

*COST Action CA15124*

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*COMULIS - Correlated Multimodal Imaging in Life Sciences*

*COST Action CA17121*

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