Course in Image Processing, Oslo, October 22-25, 2019

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Course in Image Processing, Oslo, October 22-25, 2019

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Workshop on Biological Imaging Processing, NorMIC Oslo October 22-25, 2019

Dear Phd Students, Postdocs, Researchers and other image processing users.

The NorMIC Oslo Imaging Platform is organizing a four-days workshop on Biological Imaging Processing from 22d (Tuesday) to 25th (Friday)  of October 2019.

The workshop will be tailored to biologists who have been working with microscopes, but have not much experience with image processing. The workshop consists of both theory lectures (morning) and practical sessions (afternoon). The morning lectures will be open to public, and the practical session will be restricted to workshop registrants.
We hope that by this end of this workshop, all our participants will be able to understand the key concepts in image processing, able to write script to automate simple image processing task,  and most importantly, as a member of the community of imaging specialists of Norway, get to know the professional image processing specialist who you can collaborate with if you need help with more sophisticated algorithm.
Location: Department of Biosciences, University of Oslo, Blindern, Oslo

Topics to be covered:PreProcessing: Image Formation, Artifacts, Sampling, Deconvlution, Filtering; Analysis: Feature Analysis, Segmentation, Tracking,etc; PostProcessing: Introduction to Data Mining, Curve Fitting, Classification.

Faculty: Rainer Heintzmann, Jena, Germany; Felix Margadant, Singapore; Ping Ching Cheng, Buffalo, USA; Kay Schink; , Ingrid Kjos,  Frode Skjeldal, ; Linda Haugen,; Xian Hu (Edna), Singapore and Oslo, Oddmund Bakke, Oslo.

Registration Fee: 2900 NOK (Lunch, Coffee Breaks, material and a course dinner included)

Registeration Link:

(You will need to write a short introduction about yourself and a brief description of your current work/project/motivation).

Application Closing date: Oct 1st 2019 or when full.
Selected applicants will receive a confirmation latest by 7th of Oct 2019.

If you have any inquiries regarding the workshop, please contact Frode Skjeldal ([hidden email])
Or Oddmund Bakke ([hidden email])

Thank you very much.
 Best Regards,

Oddmund Bakke

supported by Senter for Digitalt Liv Norge and UiO:Life Science

Participants as members of Digital Life may apply for travel and subsistence grant from Centre for Digital Life.
For membership and application see

Oddmund Bakke, professor
Centre for Immune Regulation
NorMIC-Oslo Imaging Platform
Department of Biosciences
University of Oslo
PB 1041 Blindern
N-0316 Oslo