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Dear microscopists,
one year after having installed the first light-sheet, we are getting more familiar about this technology and we are very keen to share our expertise (and start new projects); If you are interested in light-sheet, I`m glad to invite you at the first
Crick-Luxendo Light-sheet workshop (13-15 Feb 2019), here in London.
Good occasion to meet the local light-sheet community, test new Luxendo microscopes and see what`s going on at the Crick.
More info at this link
Alessandro Ciccarelli
Light Sheet Specialist
CALM - Crick Advanced Light Microscopy Facility
The Francis Crick Institute
1 Midland Road - London -NW1 1AT
United Kingdom
T: +442037960913
[hidden email]
W: www.crick.ac.uk
-----Original Message-----
From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:
[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Oliver Biehlmaier
Sent: 05 February 2019 07:50
[hidden email]
Subject: Re: LSM880 galvos
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Dear Rodrigo, dear all,
We do have a LSM880 since about 1 year. So far the system is running mostly smoothly and our users like it a lot.
However, we did have another problem at the system that has not yet been entirely fixed by Zeiss:
Our laser powers have dropped by approx. 30% in 9 months. After quite some discussions the argon laser and the AOTF have recently been exchanged. It is much better now but we are still approx 15% below the initially measured values.
Does this sound familiar to any of you? Might there be a problem with the automatic alignment?
Best regards,
Oliver Biehlmaier, PhD | Head of Imaging Core Facility | Biozentrum, University of Basel | Klingelbergstrasse 50/70 | CH-4056 Basel
Phone: +41 61 207 20 73 | Email:
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On 4 Feb 2019, at 20:41, RODRIGO VENA <
[hidden email]<mailto:
[hidden email]>> wrote:
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Dear listers,
I was wondering if anyone with a ZEISS LSM 880 system have problems with the scanners, ours is showing some inconsistencies after 3000hs of use, Any experiences?
Thanks in advance!
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