Cytometry Symposium in Montreal

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Claire Brown Claire Brown
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Cytometry Symposium in Montreal

Please find enclosed the program of the 2nd Canadian Cytometry Association Symposium to be held at the McGill New Residence Hall, 3625, Park Avenue, Montréal, Québec H2X 3P8, Canada


The McGill Imaging Facility will be involved in a number of the Saturday Tutorials. If you have specific interests let me know and I will try to accommodate them.




Register at:



Thursday, June 18th

13:00  - 16:00   Core Facility Managers Meeting

17:00     Registration

18:00 - 19:00     KEYNOTE LECTURE

Dr. Nathalie Labrecque, PhD (Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital, Université de Montréal)
Life of a T cell: from precursor to memory

19:00     Opening Reception

Friday, June 19th: Plenary sessions

09:00 - 10:30     Introduction to cytometry and microscopy fundamentals
11:00 - 12:30     Live cell imaging. Watching biology as it happens
14:30 - 16:00     The development and future of multiparameter flow cytometry
16:30 - 18:00     High Content Screening (HCS). Bridging the gap between flow and imaging. Imaging “ALL” the cells.

Saturday, June 20th: Parallel Tutorial Sessions

09:00 - 10:30

  1. Sample preparation: what to consider for fixed or live samples, reagents, fluorochromes/fluorophores, spectraviewer
  2. Multicolor Flow Cytometry - What to do to make it right
  3. Colocalization: General considerations. Different methods strengths and weaknesses

11:00 - 12:30

  1. Deconvolution: why deconvolve, which algorithms
  2. Cell Cycle Analysis : From DNA to signaling pathways
  3. ImageJ: Open source, great resource

14:00 - 15:30

  1. Image processing/analysis. Getting the maximum out of the microscopy data, not just pretty pictures.
  2. Apoptosis and proliferation studies
  3. Flow cytometry Data Analysis. new trends and guidelines




Claire M. Brown, PhD

Life Sciences Complex Imaging Facility Director

McGill University Department of Biochemistry

Bellini Building, Rm 137A

3649 Promenade Sir William Osler

Montreal, Quebec, H3G 0B1

514-398-4400 ext 00795 (Phone)

514-398-7452 (FAX)

[hidden email]