Deadline Approaching ALM2010, Ghent, Belgium -

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Winnok H. De Vos Winnok H. De Vos
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Deadline Approaching ALM2010, Ghent, Belgium -

Dear list members,

The deadline for early registration and abstract submission for the ALM2010 symposium is approaching. 

The Centre for Nano- and Biophotonics of Ghent University (Belgium), organizes an international symposium on Advanced Light Microscopy (ALM 2010) focusing on the current state-of-the-art in the field.
Several internationally renowned experts will shed light on cutting-edge microscopy techniques for monitoring and quantifying dynamic biological behavior with continuously increasing spatiotemporal resolution and throughput.
Check out the program on the website:

Deadline for the submission of abstracts and early registration: August, 1st, 2010 (CASH poster prizes!!)

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Ghent!
On behalf of the organising committee,



Winnok H. De Vos, PhD

Bio-imaging and Cytometry Unit
Dept. Molecular Biotechnology
University of Ghent
Coupure Links 653
9000 Ghent, Belgium

Tel +32 (0)9 264.59.71
Fax +32 (0)9 264.62.19