Deadline Extended: VIIth Bangalore Microscopy Course, Sep. 20-27. 2015

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Deadline Extended: VIIth Bangalore Microscopy Course, Sep. 20-27. 2015

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Dear All,

The application deadline for Bangalore Microscopy Course 2015 has been
extended to 6th-June-2015.

For more information and application procedure kindly visit:

Best Regards,

On Sat, Apr 25, 2015 at 10:54 AM, Manoj Mathew <[hidden email]>

> Dear Colleagues,
> I would like to inform you about the Seventh Bangalore Microscopy Course
> scheduled for Sep. 20-27, 2015, organized at the National Center for
> Biological Sciences (NCBS) in Bangalore, India.
> Initiated by Ron Vale, Nico Stuurman (from UCSF), H. Krishnamurthy and
> Satyajit Mayor (at NCBS), the course is now organized  with the additional
> help of Kurt Thorn (UCSF), Jason Swedlow (University of Dundee) and myself.
> This course  provides didactic and hands-on training in a variety of light
> microscopy techniques and is taught by outstanding international leaders in
> microscopy.
> The course is supported by almost all major microscopy and camera vendors
> and is held in the first-rate teaching labs and microscopy facilities at
> the NCBS.  This course follows the previous six Bangalore Microscopy
> Courses, organized since 2009, which were terrific successes and made a big
> impact on the students who attended.
>  The course is designed for graduate students (PhD Scholars) and
> postdoctoral fellows (although an advanced undergraduate, faculty member,
> or industry scientist also would be welcome).  The course is truly
> international with students (and faculty) attending from Asia, Europe and
> the US.
>  *We would appreciate if you could encourage potentially interested and
> outstanding individuals to apply to the course.*
>  We also would appreciate if you could disseminate information about this
> course by word-of-mouth or through email to graduate students/postdocs at
> your institution.
>  Additional information and application procedure can be found on the
> course website:
> *Application deadline is 30-May-2015 *
> Best wishes
> Jitu Mayor, Ron Vale,  Kurt Thorn, Nico Stuurman, Jason Swedlow, Manoj
>  Mathew and H. Krishnamurthy,
> Organizers of BMC VII, 2015
> --
> Manoj Mathew, PhD
> Technology Consultant
> Central Imaging and Flow Cytometry Facility
> Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms
> National Centre for Biological Sciences
> GKVK Post, Bellary Road
> Bangalore-560065, India
> Ph. +91 8067176277
> Mob. 09886789049
> Professor
> Biomedical Engineering
> Sahrdaya College of Engineering and Technology
> Thrissur, Kerala

Manoj Mathew, PhD
Technology Consultant
Central Imaging and Flow Cytometry Facility
Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms
National Centre for Biological Sciences
GKVK Post, Bellary Road
Bangalore-560065, India
Ph. +91 8067176277
Mob. 09886789049

Bio-Medical Engineering
Sahrdaya College of Engineering and Technology
Thrissur, Kerala