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Hanna_SN Hanna_SN
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Dear Listers,

I am a beginner in confocal microscopy and have a question concerning programs for image deconvolution. I would be very grateful if you could recommend me a  program for confocal image deconvolution.

Best regards,

Hanna Sas Nowosielska
Hanna_SN Hanna_SN
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Dear Confocal friends,

I am a beginner in confocal microscopy and have a question concerning programs for confocal image deconvolution. I would be very grateful if you could help me. I would like to know what programs you find the best for beginners like me and which would you recommend me.

Best regards,

Hanna Sas Nowosielska

Arvydas Matiukas Arvydas Matiukas
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Re: Deconvolution

In reply to this post by Hanna_SN
Dear Hanna,
You can start with free ImageJ software and  plugins FFTJ and DeconvolutionJ .
Arvydas Matiukas, Ph.D.
Director of Confocal&Two-Photon Imaging Core Facility
Department of Pharmacology
SUNY Upstate Medical University
766 Irving Ave., WH 3159
Syracuse, NY 13210
tel.: 315-464-7997
fax: 315-464-8014
email: [hidden email]

>>> Hanna Sas Nowosielska <[hidden email]> 10/13/2008 7:40 AM >>>
Dear Listers,

I am a beginner in confocal microscopy and have a question concerning programs for image deconvolution. I would be very grateful if you could recommend me a  program for confocal image deconvolution.

Best regards,

Hanna Sas Nowosielska
Arthur Kroon Arthur Kroon
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Re: Deconvolution

In reply to this post by Hanna_SN
Dear Dr. Nowosielska,

You posted a question on deconvolution software on the Confocal List.  Scientific Volume Imaging (SVI) develops and distributes the Huygens deconvolution & analysis software.  My response is therefore off-list.

To give you the opportunity to work with deconvolution in an easy way I attach two open test-licenses for two of our software packages: Huygens Essential and Huygens Professional which you can download here:

Download , License & User guide

Please find in the attachment your 10-day open test license for the Huygens Essential en Huygens Professional. I advise you to download the Huygens Essential User Guide and Huygens Professional User Guide. This helps you getting started with deconvolution quickly. I would recommend to first start testing with the Huygens Essential as this package will take you step by step through the deconvolution with lots of feedback.

These licenses will function with the Huygens release you installed from our website To install the first  license, launch Huygens Essential and click on 'Help' then 'License'. Paste the license, press 'Add' and 'OK.' Close the program and reopen it. Now the license is activated. Repeat that for the second license as they share one license folder.

The license will be valid for 10 days from today onwards and includes the following options:
  • Confocal Option (optical option)
  • Wide field Option (optical Option)
  • Nipkow disk Option (optical Option)
  • Multi-photon Option (optical option)
  • Time Option
  • PSF Distiller ( to generate a measured PSF in the Huygens Essential. If you do not use it automatically a theoretical PSF will be generated based on the parameters accompanying your images)
  • Surface/MIP renderer (combined visualization option)
  • Colocalization analyzer
  • Object Analyzer
You can find more information about the available options in Huygens Essential and Professional at


  • Our WIKI:
  • In the customer part which is completely accessible on a temporary basis for you you'll find the EssentialRoadmap and many other useful pages with specific information about the Huygens software and  Tutorials about deconvolution and imaging in general. Via Find page at the right upper side you can type in keywords and find answers fast. The login and access code can be found in the attached text file. (at 12 AM an 8 PM CET  your login and access code are activated)
  • Our FAQ is now fully integrated in our WIKI.
  •  Tutorials can be found here.
  • There is a possibility to let us have a look at your images for advice on how to deconvolve them:  You can upload images to SIDB (for instructions see:  Here you can also provide information (params etc) on your images. Please let me know when you upload anything.
  • Send and email to [hidden email] at all times
  • Call us at +31 35 642 16 26 between 8-18 hours CET.
I will be happy to provide you also a  free-of-charge testing licenses for 30 days if you like to explore the software in more detail.  After installing, you can just ignore the automatic email requesting for license key and just send me the system ID directly if you would like a 30 day testing license including full support. The system ID, which is a series of numbers, can be found if you open Huygens, choose "Help" and "About".

With best regards,

Arthur Kroon

Dr. Arthur Kroon
Account manager Scientific Volume Imaging bv
Building Laaperstaete
Laapersveld 63
1213 VB Hilversum
The Netherlands
phone: ++ 31 35 6 42 16 26
Fax: ++ 31 35 6 83 79 71

Hanna Sas Nowosielska wrote:
Dear Listers,

I am a beginner in confocal microscopy and have a question concerning programs for image deconvolution. I would be very grateful if you could recommend me a  program for confocal image deconvolution.

Best regards,

Hanna Sas Nowosielska

Dear Dr. Mrs. Hanna Nowosielska,

Your Huygens License String:

HuEss-3.3-wcn-l64-BftvAC-de-2008Oct24-0-{[hidden email]}-2ac31b6fda8fea022800

If you need instructions on how to install it please refer to

This license will entitle the user and his/her co-workers to access
the private support side of the SVI-wiki, located at
It also creates an account in the SIDB to upload images securely, see

The access data is:

username: [hidden email]
password: e424

The access database is automatically updated twice a day.
The public contents are always accessible at

Your support number: 44874.
Please mention this number in all your support requests to SVI.

Yours sincerely,

Arthur Kroon
Dear Dr. Mrs. Hanna Nowosielska,

Your Huygens License String:

HuPro-3.3-wcn-d2-BftvAC-de-2008Oct24-0-{[hidden email]}-79ed7acda80e04423e6d

If you need instructions on how to install it please refer to

This license will entitle the user and his/her co-workers to access
the private support side of the SVI-wiki, located at
It also creates an account in the SIDB to upload images securely, see

The access data is:

username: [hidden email]
password: e424

The access database is automatically updated twice a day.
The public contents are always accessible at

Your support number: 44874.
Please mention this number in all your support requests to SVI.

Yours sincerely,

Arthur Kroon Arthur Kroon
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Re: Deconvolution

In reply to this post by Hanna_SN
Dear Confocal List users,

By mistake an off-list email intended for Dr. Hanna Nowosielska was send to you all. I apologize for the fact that this happened at all.

The licenses attached to that message have been disabled and Dr. Hanna Nowosielska will receive new licenses off-list.

With best regards,

Arthur Kroon, PhD
Account Manager Scientific Volume Imaging bv
Building Laaperstaete
Laapersveld 63
1213 VB Hilversum
The Netherlands
phone: ++ 31 35 6 46 82 16
Fax: ++ 31 35 6 83 79 71

Hanna Sas Nowosielska wrote:
Dear Listers,

I am a beginner in confocal microscopy and have a question concerning programs for image deconvolution. I would be very grateful if you could recommend me a  program for confocal image deconvolution.

Best regards,

Hanna Sas Nowosielska

David Barnes-2 David Barnes-2
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Re: Deconvolution

In reply to this post by Hanna_SN
For info on the industry standard, visit this link
where you can get a 30 day eval copy of AutoQuant.
David Barnes PhD.

On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 8:04 AM, Hanna Sas Nowosielska <[hidden email]> wrote:
Dear Confocal friends,

I am a beginner in confocal microscopy and have a question concerning programs for confocal image deconvolution. I would be very grateful if you could help me. I would like to know what programs you find the best for beginners like me and which would you recommend me.

Best regards,

Hanna Sas Nowosielska

Ron Hoebe Ron Hoebe
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Re: Deconvolution

Please explain why your software is the industry standard?


Ron Hoebe



From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of David Barnes
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 19:30 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: Deconvolution


For info on the industry standard, visit this link


where you can get a 30 day eval copy of AutoQuant.


David Barnes PhD.

On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 8:04 AM, Hanna Sas Nowosielska <[hidden email]> wrote:

Dear Confocal friends,

I am a beginner in confocal microscopy and have a question concerning programs for confocal image deconvolution. I would be very grateful if you could help me. I would like to know what programs you find the best for beginners like me and which would you recommend me.

Best regards,

Hanna Sas Nowosielska



David Barnes-2 David Barnes-2
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Re: Deconvolution

In reply to this post by David Barnes-2
It is not my software. I dont work for Mediacy.

On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 2:58 AM, Ron Hoebe <[hidden email]> wrote:

Please explain why your software is the industry standard?


Ron Hoebe



From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of David Barnes
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 19:30 PM

To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: Deconvolution


For info on the industry standard, visit this link


where you can get a 30 day eval copy of AutoQuant.


David Barnes PhD.

On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 8:04 AM, Hanna Sas Nowosielska <[hidden email]> wrote:

Dear Confocal friends,

I am a beginner in confocal microscopy and have a question concerning programs for confocal image deconvolution. I would be very grateful if you could help me. I would like to know what programs you find the best for beginners like me and which would you recommend me.

Best regards,

Hanna Sas Nowosielska



Sudipta Maiti Sudipta Maiti
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Fluorescence Conference and FCS workshop in India

In reply to this post by Arthur Kroon

We are happy to announce Fluorescence 2009, an international conference on fluorescence applications to biology, from March 16 to 19, 2009, at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India.  The conference will have more than 100 participants, with some of the most well known scientists in the area contributing. The details of the conference can be found on the conference website (  We invite you to submit abstracts for this conference.

In addition, I wish to bring "FCS09" ( to your
attention (March 7-15, and March 20-24th, 2009, same venue as Fluorescence 2009). This is a unique workshop where you not only learn about the
single molecule level fluorescence technique known as Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy, you actually build your own
FCS machine from a kit, and take it to your lab after the workshop. With a
generous grant from the Dept. of Information Technology, Govt. of India, we
are able to supply the kit completely free of cost (unfortunately, only for Indian participants). The application deadline
is October 31st, 2008.  

I request you to give these twin events wide publicity amongst your colleagues. Thank you.  

Sudipta Maiti

Dr. Sudipta Maiti
Associate Professor
Dept. of Chemical Sciences
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Homi Bhabha Raod, Colaba, Mumbai 400005
Ph. 91-22-2278-2716 / 2539
Fax: 91-22-2280-4610
alternate e-mail: [hidden email]