Deconvolve, a tool for performing remote batch deconvolutions/restorations with Huygens2 from SVI

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R.A.Hoebe R.A.Hoebe
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Deconvolve, a tool for performing remote batch deconvolutions/restorations with Huygens2 from SVI

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To All,
I wrote a "little" program that performs batch restorations of 3D/2D confocal and widefield fluorescence images using Huygens2 from ©SVI on a remote computer.
The program supports 1 or 3 channels 2D/3D ICS (version1) and 1 or 3 channels 2D/3D TIFF files both in 8 or 16 bits per channel.
Remote operation is done with a Telnet connecting. File transfer can be FTP or SMB/Samba. I am working on a secure SSH/SCP connection.
At my lab, this progam (or old versions) are already been used for more then 6 years, we use Hugens2 for more then 10 years.
You can download it from:
Look for the program "Deconvolve". Huygens2 from SVI can be obtained from:
Please use the forum on the website for comments, suggestions and reporting bugs.
Ron Hoebe
P.S. This program is Public domain (see comments on the website).
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                    Ron Hoebe
        Tel: +31-20-5664743, Room M3.106-1
          Academic medical centre (AMC)
              Celbiology & Histology
            Center for Microscopy (CMO)
           University of Amsterdam (UvA)
         Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ Amsterdam
  oooO          The Netherlands    oooO
  (   )   Oooo  [hidden email]   (   )   Oooo
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