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Del Mar Photonics femtosecond lasers for multiphoton imaging - commercial update

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Del Mar Photonics femtosecond lasers for multiphoton imaging - commercial update

Ti:Sapphire laser is the most popular femtosecond laser for variety of novel imaging techniques including multiphoton microscopy. So far the cost of femtosecond lasers limited the number of laboratories that can afford them. Del Mar Photonics offers affordable femtosecond lasers combined with a new bread of DPSS and green fiber laser pumps. The UCLA Biophysics Neuroimaging Laboratory, one of Del Mar Photonics customers is committed to developing new microscopy techniques to further the reach of experimental methods in the area of systems neuroscience. Adrian Cheng, a physics graduate student at UCLA, considers Del Mar Photonics system as great entry level system into exciting field of multiphoton imaging. Check this video where Adrian Cheng shows his multiphoton imaging system based on Del Mar Photonics Ti:Sapphire laser and describes his experiments on imaging of neural activity in zebra fish.
 Del Mar Photonics offers Ti:Sapphire lasers priced under $50,000 (including pump laser) and high power >1W and up lasers priced in $80,000 range (including pump laser).

Best regards,
Sergey Egorov
Del Mar Photonics
4119 Twilight Ridge
San Diego, CA 92130
tel (858) 876-3133
fax (858) 630-2376