Alberto Diaspro-2 |
To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: Post images on and include the link in your posting. ***** Dear, In Genoa we have 4 new PhD calls. All the best Alby —————————————————————————— Do not miss the New PhD Call – 37th cycle at DIASPROLAB. PhD programs at UNIGE (1, 2, 3): <> Deadline, June 15th 2021, 12 p.m. CEST PhD program at UNIPARMA (4): <> Development of a Multimodal Optical Microscopy Image Correlation Sensing - MOMIX™ - a super resolution microscope to study cellular systems at the nanoscale. Investigating life at the cellular and molecular level demands for super-resolution (<200nm) imaging techniques capable of providing three-dimensional access to structural and functional information. The MOMIX™ research project deals with the development of an innovative super-resolution optical microscope capable of combining spatial super-resolution (e.g. confocal, image scanning and STED microscopy) with spectroscopic approaches like fluorescence lifetime and circular intensity differential scattering, CIDS. Successful implementation of the MOMIX™ microscope will result in an innovative quantitative imaging approach in nanoscale biophysics and bioengineering. The ideal candidate holds a Master Degree in a technical or scientific field (e.g. Physics, Engineering, Computer Science). Knowledge in scientific programming with Matlab, Labview or Python is desirable. Applicants will be part of an international group located at Center of Human Technologies, Great Campus Erzelli - IIT and Department of Physics (DIFI), University of Genoa. The successful candidate will have the chance to participate in national and international training opportunities, workshops, and to access funding for visits abroad. Research team: Alberto Diaspro, (supervisor, DIFI-UNIGE, IIT), Paolo Bianchini (DIFI-UNIGE. IIT), Marco Castello (IIT), Simonluca Piazza (IIT), Irene Nepita (IIT). Bib ref (open access): Diaspro, A., Bianchini, P. Optical nanoscopy. Riv. Nuovo Cim. 43, 385–455 (2020). <> For more information please contact [hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]> with subject ‘PhD-2021-MOMIX’ 2. Label-free optical microscopy, using circular intensity differential scattering (CIDS) and non linear processes (multiphoton and second harmonic generation), towards nanoscale biophysics applications. The project deals with the realization of label free optical modules, incorporating advanced linear and non-linear fluorescence approaches, based on phase-contrast, circular intensity differential scattering (CIDS) and second-harmonic generated signals. The system will benefit of advances in Mueller matrix microscopy and multiphoton imaging. Case studies will be related to exploit in a light-matter interaction context, ray tracing and photon detection, light matters interactions in single cells, cellular spheroids and tissues. The ideal candidate holds a Master Degree in a technical or scientific field (e.g. Physics, Engineering, Computer Science). Knowledge in scientific programming with Matlab, Labview or Python is desirable. Applicants will be part of an international group located at Center of Human Technologies, Great Campus Erzelli - IIT and Department of Physics (DIFI), University of Genoa. The successful candidate will have the chance to participate in national and international training opportunities, workshops, and to access funding for visits abroad. Research team: Alberto Diaspro, (supervisor, DIFI-UNIGE, IIT) Paolo Bianchini, (DIFI-UNIGE,IIT) Irene Nepita (IIT). Bib ref (open access): Diaspro, A., Bianchini, P. Optical nanoscopy. Riv. Nuovo Cim. 43, 385–455 (2020). <>. For more information please contact [hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]> with subject ‘PhD-2021-LFREE’ 3. Multimodal optical nanoscopy to study chromatin organization during cell differentiation and neoplastic transformation. Nuclear architecture and chromatin remodelling are the central regulators of cell identity and fate. Today we can follow chromatin organization mechanisms at the molecular level, taking advantage of a multimodal optical approach as the one provided by super-resolved optical fluorescence microscopy coupled with label-free CIDS (circular intensity differential scattering signature). The project focuses on neuroblastoma (NB), the most common extracranial solid tumour in childhood. Since the molecular and genetic mechanisms involved in NB are still partially unknown, we aim characterizing changes of chromatin nanoscale architecture correlated with NB transformation. The research will integrate multimodal optical data towards the outcome of unveiling whether NB-associated chromatin alteration locates in correspondence of specific territories or genes and paving the way towards new prognostic and therapeutic approaches. The ideal candidate holds a preferred degree on Molecular and cellular Biology, Biotechnology, Physics (Biophysics), Bioengineering. Applicants will be part of an international group located at Center of Human Technologies, Great Campus Erzelli - IIT and Department of Earth Sciences, of the Environment and of Life Sciences (DISTAV), University of Genoa. The successful candidate will have the chance to participate in national and international training opportunities, workshops, and to access funding for visits abroad. Project supervised and tutored by Laura Vergani (DISTAV-UNIGE), Alberto Diaspro (IIT, DIFI-UNIGE), Francesca Baldini (IIT). 4. Biophysics of Chromatin by Correlative Imaging and Simulation. Nucleosomes and chromatin regulate the accessibility to the genome and thereby mediate and control DNA processes, including transcription, replication, and repair. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and electron microscopy (EM) are excellent candidates for the investigation of mechanical and structural properties of the nucleus, while lacking of chemical specificity. Thus, optical advanced and super-resolution microscopy, with its high specificity, can complement collecting dynamic information at molecular level in living samples. We aim developing a work flow that enables a multimodal and correlative approach. For instance, the use of functionalised photosensitiser molecules can enable super-resolution optical nanoscopy, but also generating the condition for diaminobenzidine (DAB) oxidation and precipitation, would enable correlative light-electron microscopy (CLEM). Applicants will be part of an international group located at Center of Human Technologies, Great Campus Erzelli - IIT and Department of Mathematical, Physical and Computer Sciences University of PARMA. The successful candidate will have the chance to participate in national and international training opportunities, workshops, and to access funding for visits abroad. Project supervised and tutored by Paolo Bianchini (IIT), Cristiano Viappiani (UNIPR), Alberto Diaspro (IIT, DIFI-UNIGE). Some refs: Bendandi, A., S. Dante, S.R. Zia, A. Diaspro, and W. Rocchia. 2020. Chromatin Compaction Multiscale Modeling: A Complex Synergy Between Theory, Simulation, and Experiment. Frontiers Mol Biosci. 7:15. Cosentino, M., C. Canale, P. Bianchini, and A. Diaspro. 2019. AFM-STED correlative nanoscopy reveals a dark side in fluorescence microscopy imaging. Science Advances. 5:eaav8062. Bianchini, P., M. Cozzolino, M. Oneto, L. Pesce, F. Pennacchietti, M. Tognolini, C. Giorgio, S. Nonell, L. Cavanna, P. Delcanale, S. Abbruzzetti, A. Diaspro, and C. Viappiani. 2019. Hypericin-Apomyoglobin: An Enhanced Photosensitizer Complex for the Treatment of Tumor Cells. Biomacromolecules. 20:2024-2033. ------------------------------------------------------ |
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