Does anybody have experience with Horiba DynaMyc - Lifetime Microscope System

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Jan Pala Jan Pala
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Does anybody have experience with Horiba DynaMyc - Lifetime Microscope System

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Dear all,

I found on Horiba web that they are offering Horiba DynaMyc - Lifetime
Microscope System with or without Time Correlated Single Photon Molecule
Counting machine including fast XYZ scan and confocal capability based on 4
preset different diameters of confocal pinhole.

Short description and specification:

As there are not any details I would like to ask you about your experience
with this device:
1. What kind of picosecond photon detection module - 185-650 nm / 300-850 nm
is used there?
2. Is this picosecond photon detection module used for standard confocal
imaging too?
3. What kind of solution does they use for FLIM? I am familiar only with B&H
and PicoQuant, and in this case it is for sure something completely different.
4. How does the confocal part work with only 4 predefined confocal pinholes
for all lenses?
5. Are there only two fluorescence filter cubes available? It is written in

Do you have any idea?

Best regards,
Jan Pala