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EBSA 2009 Genoa Italy July 11-15 - do not miss it

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Alberto Diaspro Alberto Diaspro
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EBSA 2009 Genoa Italy July 11-15 - do not miss it

EBSA 2009 is the 7th Congress of the European Biophysical Societies' Association (EBSA), formed in 1984, with the objectives to advance and disseminate knowledge of the principles, recent developments and applications of biophysics, and to foster the exchange of scientific information among biophysicists. EBSA2009 provides special incentives for young investigators. The Congress will also celebrate 25 years of EBSA.

Have a look to the Pleanry speakers list and Scientific program. Bursaries for students will be available and Accommodations at 17 Euros per night including breakfast, too.

All the best
"Water slowly flowed under the sky" (Cesare Pavese)
Alberto Diaspro,
Department of Physics, University of Genoa, 
Via Dodecaneso 33, 16146 Genoa, Italy - 
fax +39-010314218 - tel +39 0103536426/309; 
URLs: www.lambs.it

Win in Science! ...link to http://www.ebsa2009.org