EDX Analysis How does it work

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regan m regan m
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EDX Analysis How does it work

Hi ...
I am working with EDX spectroscopy and electron microscopy for the last 5 yrs.I have expertise in analysisng the samples and data interpretation to a greater extent, 
 But I want to understand how does the EDX system actually work.
I use horiba supplied EDX system with an atmospheric window equipped with lithium drifted sillicon dtetctor. I understand the generation of x rays and detection of these x rays by detector in the liquid nitrogen cooled EDX detector. I use a software supplied with the instrument called EMAX
From this point the point of generation of this signal how does the data gets analysed and displayed, There are terms like fit index and some times though the spectra shows some peaks but the relative weight percentages are in negative values.............!!!
I will be happy if people who have a detailed understanding of this phenomena comment on the entire process of translation of the electronic signal to the data  display by the software happens if there is any detailed document available i would like to go through it.
Please remember I am a biologist i am not fully aware of microcontrollers etc etc
Anybody from Horiba or Oxford instruments can help me in this regard, it would be even better.
Thanks in advance
cromey cromey
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Re: EDX Analysis How does it work



This question might be better posed on the Microscopy Society of America listserv.  The subscribers to that list have considerably more experience in EDX and EM (not intending to put down the many people who subscribe to both lists and may know the answer to this question).


Instructions:  http://www.microscopy.com/MLInstructions.html

Post a question (for non-subscribers):  http://www.microscopy.com/MLFormMail.html






Douglas W. Cromey, M.S. - Assistant Scientific Investigator

Dept. of Cell Biology & Anatomy, University of Arizona

1501 N. Campbell Ave, Tucson, AZ  85724-5044 USA


office:  AHSC 4212         email: [hidden email]

voice:  520-626-2824       fax:  520-626-2097



Home of: "Microscopy and Imaging Resources on the WWW"


From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of regan m
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 1:43 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: EDX Analysis How does it work


Hi ...


I am working with EDX spectroscopy and electron microscopy for the last 5 yrs.I have expertise in analysisng the samples and data interpretation to a greater extent, 

 But I want to understand how does the EDX system actually work.


I use horiba supplied EDX system with an atmospheric window equipped with lithium drifted sillicon dtetctor. I understand the generation of x rays and detection of these x rays by detector in the liquid nitrogen cooled EDX detector. I use a software supplied with the instrument called EMAX


From this point the point of generation of this signal how does the data gets analysed and displayed, There are terms like fit index and some times though the spectra shows some peaks but the relative weight percentages are in negative values.............!!!


I will be happy if people who have a detailed understanding of this phenomena comment on the entire process of translation of the electronic signal to the data  display by the software happens if there is any detailed document available i would like to go through it.


Please remember I am a biologist i am not fully aware of microcontrollers etc etc


Anybody from Horiba or Oxford instruments can help me in this regard, it would be even better.


Thanks in advance