ELMI2014 meeting registration open

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Cath Heyward Cath Heyward
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ELMI2014 meeting registration open

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Invitation to the 14th European Light Microscopy Initiative meeting


Dear Microscopists,                                                                                                                                                                

On behalf of the ELMI 2014 organizing committee we are pleased to invite you
to the 14th ELMI meeting in Oslo 20-23 May. The ELMI meeting provides a
unique opportunity to experience first-hand the latest cutting-edge imaging
equipment in concert with unpublished work in the field of life science. Devoted
specialists and students come together at the ELMI meetings to share their
expertise and ideas, take part in numerous workshops covering all the latest
microscope techniques in this very fast developing field. The research talks will
cover a range of fields in the genre of life science and offer insights into the
implementation of future imaging methods.

This year we have chosen to have a "compact meeting"; that is a meeting in a
large hotel which accommodates all participants in a site that is remote enough
to gather people around the clock. The chosen meeting venue is Holmenkollen
Park Hotel Rica. This is a beautiful hotel that combines Norwegian character
and environment with internationally high standard conference facilities. Leisure
options include a pool, hot tub, sauna and a gym and fantastic surroundings for
hiking etc. The hotel is situated “on top of Oslo”, just 55km from Gardermoen,
Oslo's main international airport. We have reserved the entire hotel, including a
1000m2 drive-in exhibition hall “Valhall”.


o   Live Super Resolution
o   Imaging Applications in Super Resolution
o   High Content Imaging/Systems Biology
o   Light Sheet Based Fluorescence Microscopy
o   Functional Imaging, Probes, Sensors
o   Physics and Future Techniques in Imaging
o   Correlative Imaging


o   Brad Amos
o   Ernst Stelzer
o   Carsten Schultz
o   Kees Jalink
o   RainerPepperkok
o   Peter Friedl
o   Judith Klumperman
o   Markus Sauer
o   Luisa Cifarelli
o   Yannick Schwab
More speakers to be announced...


We have over 30 companies lined up to show you their latest technologies in
dedicated hands-on workshops.



The registration for academic and industry delegates is now open via our


All fees include full board, lodging and gala dinner.
Please register by 13.01.2014

We encourage the participants to register as soon as possible as we learned
from ELMI in Arcachon, which was overbooked already before the deadline.

Students please apply for a travel grant!

ELMI Core Facility Meeting

Preceding the meeting, Tuesday morning May 20th, there will be a special
session for core facility personnel. This is organized by ELMI.

Norwegian Constitution Day 17th May

It is the Norwegian Constitution Day on Saturday 17th May, an excellent
opportunity to see Oslo celebrate a most joyful occasion with street parades
and music, so we would heartily recommend coming to Oslo early if you can!

For a special deal with the Holmenkollen Park Rica hotel for the 17th May,
please see the website.

We look forward to meeting you all and working with you for a successful
meeting at ELMI 2014.

Yours sincerely,

Frode Skjeldal, Catherine Heyward and Oddmund Bakke


Frode Miltzow Skjeldal

Scientific Engineer    

Department of Biosciences
University of Oslo
PB 1041 Blindern
N-0316 Oslo,
Tlf: +4722854370


Catherine Heyward

Post-doctoral Researcher,

Imaging Platform,
Institute of Biosciences,
University of Oslo
Tel: +47 22854565