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Dear all,
We would like to draw your attention to our 6th EMBL Super-Resolution microscopy course from July 8th to 13th in Heidelberg, Germany.
PLEASE NOTE: Application deadline is already April 25th!
The EMBL course will cover the theory and practical application of current super-resolution microscopy techniques to biological questions. The participants will have sufficient time to use current super-resolution microscopes for Localisation Microscopy (e.g. dSTORM /GSDIM) and STED Microscopy with samples prepared during the course. Invited guest researchers together with experts from the EMBL and Leica Microsystems will ensure that all aspects are covered in depth, e.g.:
• Sample preparation for super-resolution microscopy
• Multi-Colour 3D STED microscopy and 3D Localization Microscopy
• Super-Resolution Imaging of living specimen
The course will also cover principles of image processing and analysis of super-resolution images.
We will also offer an (optional) extension of 3 days in the following week for those who want to image their own samples on the microscopes provided.
The course will be supported by Leica Microsystems.
For more information, please have a look at:
https://www.embl.de/training/events/2019/MIC19-03/index.htmlOn behalf of the organizing committee,
Marko Lampe
Dr. Marko Lampe
Advanced Light Microscopy Facility
EMBL Heidelberg
D - 69117 Heidelberg
Phone +49(0)6221 387-8884