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Dear all,
*** The application deadline has been extended until 17 January 2017.***
We would like to draw your attention again to our EMBL course "STED and
RESOLFT based Live-Cell Super-Resolution Fluorescence Microscopy" being held
6 to 10 March 2017 in Heidelberg, Germany.
This course will focus on STED and RESOLFT microscopy applied to living
specimen. In addition imaging and optimizing chemically crosslink ("fixed")
samples will be covered. Data analysis tutorials for STED and RESOLFT
microscopy will complement the work at the microscopes.
The practical part will be accompanied by international speakers presenting
their work on developing and applying super-resolution microscopy to
biological questions. There will be sufficient time for discussing assays
and troubleshooting.
Nobel Laureate Stefan Hell has already confirmed his attendance.
For detailed information, please have a look at:
https://www.embl.de/training/events/2017/LCS17-01/index.htmlIf you have any questions regarding the course and the registration
procedure, please contact Marko Lampe (
[hidden email]).
On behalf of the organizing committee,
Marko Lampe
Dr. Marko Lampe
Advanced Light Microscopy Facility
EMBL Heidelberg
D - 69117 Heidelberg
Phone +49(0)6221 387-8884