ESRIC PhD opportunities and Summer school!

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Ann-W Ann-W
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ESRIC PhD opportunities and Summer school!

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Dear Microscopists

We have two opportunities to get stuck into some super-resolution at ESRIC.

First our PhD scheme application deadline is due February 26th more information about projects here:

Second our summer school places are filling up fast. If you would like an opportunity to learn from the pioneers of these methodologies apply now!
The Royal Microscopial Society are kindly handling the admin for us this year. So to register please check here:

Here's the link for more info about the ESRIC summer school + PhD programme:


Ann and the ESRIC team

Dr Ann Wheeler
Advanced Imaging Resource, Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH4 2XU
E: [hidden email]
T: 0131 651 8665

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Ann Wheeler
Head of Advanced Imaging Facility
Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine
University of Edinburgh
United Kingdom