Early bird registration (save $$) and poster abstract deadline extended to Feb. 1st for ABRF 13

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Richard Cole Richard Cole
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Early bird registration (save $$) and poster abstract deadline extended to Feb. 1st for ABRF 13

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Good news for those of you interested in attending the ABRF meeting this
March!  We are excited to announce that the Early Bird Registration (save
$$) and Poster Abstract deadline have been extended to Feb 1st.  

The Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities (ABRF) will be offering
their first Light Microscopy Track at the annual meeting in Palm Springs
March 2-5, 2013.  We have put together a great program focusing on
Super-Resolution, Fluorescent Probes and Image Processing and Analysis.
We have keynote speakers including Jennifer Lippencott-Schwartz, Robert
Campbell and Jonas Ries.
We will also have the Light Microscopy Research Group results of our
international study on quality control metrics for confocal microscopes.
There will be many opportunities for core facility managers and
administrators to attend practical sessions and network with colleagues.
Scientists from other fields will enjoy proteomics and genomics tracks as
We have all the major microscope manufacturers and associated companies
attending and bringing state-of-the-art equipment, software and technical

Please spread the word and sign up for this meeting!

For all details, see the ABRF meeting webpage:  https://conf.abrf.org/

We look forward to seeing you there...


Richard Cole, Claire Brown, Alison North and Philip Hockberger

ABRF Light Microscopy Track committee