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To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy ***** Dear Confocal (and nanoscopes) Listserv, I have been researching improvements in STED fluorescence nanoscopy. The biggest improvements I came across were (order not meant to imply criticality or price) are: * 3D-EasySTED segmented waveplate(s) ... vs current Leica (2D) Vortex Phase Filter. * Pulsed depletion (i.e. 80 MHz Ti:Sa instead of continuous wave (CW) laser. Note that this ideally by around 100 to 300 ps duration and start some number of picoseconds after the excitation pulse has left (needed to give excited state to reach the lowest S1 state). * Time gated (g-STED, aka FLIM STED) instead of continuous detection (note that this requires pulsed excitation, and fits well with pulsed depletion). See Vicidomini et al 2011 Nat Methods for recent publication (note that Fig 1 is on fluorescent nanodiamonds - not a typical fluorophore. Look at the figures for those using Alexa Fluor 488, etc). * New Leica HyD detector(s). Sadly the CW-STED demo system that just left Miami had only one HyD. * Ultra stable vibration isolation table (unlike the demo system). EasySTED was published in 2010 by Reuss et al in Optics Express (open access at http://www.opticsinfobase.org/oe/abstract.cfm?uri=oe-18-2-1049 ). I found online Matthias Reuss's PhD dissertation (http://archiv.ub.uni- heidelberg.de/volltextserver/volltexte/2011/11539/pdf/Reuss_Dissertation.pdf ), which has lots of cool stuff (though temperature wise does not come close to A. Giske's cryoSTED dissertation, http://archiv.ub.uni- heidelberg.de/volltextserver/volltexte/2008/7969/pdf/CryoSTED_microscopy_Ph DThesis_agiske.pdf ). Reuss's dissertation has stuff from the 2010 Optics Express article, a little bit on time-gating STED but the item that caught my eye was 3D-EasySTED. I have done more research on EasySTED and in exchanging emails with Goetz Zinner at the manufacturer (www.b-halle.de), Goetz wrote that: "An interesting result I found is that a 6.5 lambda plate at 710 nm would have 7.5 lambda at 622 nm, 8.5 lambda 554 nm and 9.5 lambda 501 nm. This would enable to use only one mode converter for all four depletion wavelengths." Transmitting any of the half lambda wavelengths through a single segmented waveplate produces STED depletion doughnuts at each of these wavelengths. From Reuss's dissertation it seems (to me) that a tolerance of a few percent (ex. 2% would be 10 nm at 501 nm) would still produce an acceptable doughnut. But wait, there is more - the same segmented waveplate can also tranmit whole lambda wavelengths, and these can be calculated using the data available from a paper Goetz mentioned in his email: G. Ghosh 1999 Dispersion-equation coefficients for the refractive index and birefringence of calcite and quartz crystals. Opt Commun 163: 95–102 (available online at www.sciencedirect.com). Using Goetz'z equation (actually, the standard Lambda retardance equation - see Reuss) and Ghosh's data, I made an Excel file that presents Goetz's results. Besides confirming that one segmented waveplate can have multiple half and whole lambda's, one of the coolest features is that (interpolating from Ghosh's data), 467.5 and 890 um thick quartz segmented waveplates produce whole and/or half Lambda retardance values for a variety of thicknesses that are round number of micrometers in thickness (200, 300, 400 um, for example). For those interested in EasySTED, I am happy to send anyone the Excel file. Best to contact me through my office email address, [hidden email]. Sincerely, George |
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To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy ***** Dear confocal listserv. I am taking advantage of the fact that the STED topic has been started to raise a concern that a lot of physiologists colleagues have. I am trying to do live cell organelles imaging with STED system (in neurons), the organelles being stained with fluorescent proteins (EYFP). The problem is that the level of staining required with our STED set up seems to be incompatible with live cell physiology. Indeed, expression levels that show very bright staining in confocal are not bright enough for our STED system, to the point we cannot do any picture. Higher expression levels will just damage the organelle, or induce leak of the fluorophore into the cytosol, so this is not an option. It also seems to me that, although the signal is very weak, the intensity of the excitation is very high, which may cause further damage to the organelles. So far, my colleagues have been able to do nice images of the cells (neurons) with a cytosolic volume label (fluorescent protein), although they require high staining too, so it seems that our system is just fine but we cannot work with small volumes. Is this a common problem with STED systems? We are using filters in the detection path, no AOBS. Thanks Have a nice day Sandrine ________________________________________ De : Confocal Microscopy List [[hidden email]] de la part de George McNamara [[hidden email]] Date d'envoi : samedi 10 septembre 2011 23:59 À : [hidden email] Objet : EasySTED segmented waveplate ***** To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy ***** Dear Confocal (and nanoscopes) Listserv, I have been researching improvements in STED fluorescence nanoscopy. The biggest improvements I came across were (order not meant to imply criticality or price) are: * 3D-EasySTED segmented waveplate(s) ... vs current Leica (2D) Vortex Phase Filter. * Pulsed depletion (i.e. 80 MHz Ti:Sa instead of continuous wave (CW) laser. Note that this ideally by around 100 to 300 ps duration and start some number of picoseconds after the excitation pulse has left (needed to give excited state to reach the lowest S1 state). * Time gated (g-STED, aka FLIM STED) instead of continuous detection (note that this requires pulsed excitation, and fits well with pulsed depletion). See Vicidomini et al 2011 Nat Methods for recent publication (note that Fig 1 is on fluorescent nanodiamonds - not a typical fluorophore. Look at the figures for those using Alexa Fluor 488, etc). * New Leica HyD detector(s). Sadly the CW-STED demo system that just left Miami had only one HyD. * Ultra stable vibration isolation table (unlike the demo system). EasySTED was published in 2010 by Reuss et al in Optics Express (open access at http://www.opticsinfobase.org/oe/abstract.cfm?uri=oe-18-2-1049 ). I found online Matthias Reuss's PhD dissertation (http://archiv.ub.uni- heidelberg.de/volltextserver/volltexte/2011/11539/pdf/Reuss_Dissertation.pdf ), which has lots of cool stuff (though temperature wise does not come close to A. Giske's cryoSTED dissertation, http://archiv.ub.uni- heidelberg.de/volltextserver/volltexte/2008/7969/pdf/CryoSTED_microscopy_Ph DThesis_agiske.pdf ). Reuss's dissertation has stuff from the 2010 Optics Express article, a little bit on time-gating STED but the item that caught my eye was 3D-EasySTED. I have done more research on EasySTED and in exchanging emails with Goetz Zinner at the manufacturer (www.b-halle.de), Goetz wrote that: "An interesting result I found is that a 6.5 lambda plate at 710 nm would have 7.5 lambda at 622 nm, 8.5 lambda 554 nm and 9.5 lambda 501 nm. This would enable to use only one mode converter for all four depletion wavelengths." Transmitting any of the half lambda wavelengths through a single segmented waveplate produces STED depletion doughnuts at each of these wavelengths. From Reuss's dissertation it seems (to me) that a tolerance of a few percent (ex. 2% would be 10 nm at 501 nm) would still produce an acceptable doughnut. But wait, there is more - the same segmented waveplate can also tranmit whole lambda wavelengths, and these can be calculated using the data available from a paper Goetz mentioned in his email: G. Ghosh 1999 Dispersion-equation coefficients for the refractive index and birefringence of calcite and quartz crystals. Opt Commun 163: 95–102 (available online at www.sciencedirect.com). Using Goetz'z equation (actually, the standard Lambda retardance equation - see Reuss) and Ghosh's data, I made an Excel file that presents Goetz's results. Besides confirming that one segmented waveplate can have multiple half and whole lambda's, one of the coolest features is that (interpolating from Ghosh's data), 467.5 and 890 um thick quartz segmented waveplates produce whole and/or half Lambda retardance values for a variety of thicknesses that are round number of micrometers in thickness (200, 300, 400 um, for example). For those interested in EasySTED, I am happy to send anyone the Excel file. Best to contact me through my office email address, [hidden email]. Sincerely, George |
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George McNamara |
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To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy ***** Hi Sandrine, Having just hosted a three week CW-STED demo at UM, I have some suggestions. I am assuming you are on a Leica CW-STED system. Short term: * No need for full power depletion: I suggest you start by comparing confocal (STED power slider at 0% and red/black shutter button unselected = black) to low power STED. Since LAS AF allows you to make lots of scan tracks, I suggest sequential scan - frame - mode (excitation laser same for all tracks): confocal, STED 10%, STED 25%, STED 75%, STED 100%, confocal. * There is a clear interaction between excitation and depletion: On a new field of view, same as above, but with less excitation power (for example, 25% of your usual power). * Do STED first: Jonathan Boyd of Leica pointed out during our demo that the point of being on a STED machine is to do STED. I had typically done confocal frame scan then STED. Jonathan convinced me that doing STED first makes sense. * Go fast: 1400 Hz (min zoom 6, I am referring to the high resolution scanner) may produce better STED and confocal data than slower speeds. If you have not been evaluating different scan speeds, your Leica training person did a poor job. Jonathan also pointed out that on the SP5 high resolution scanner can operate at 600 Hz at 1x zoom, so everyone should switch from 400 Hz default to 600 Hz (of course from a core billing perspective, we could make more money by getting everyone to use 100 Hz). With respect to 600 Hz, hopefully Leica will add this as a drop down list item in near future LAS AF release. Jonathan also showed me that resonant scan mode can produce better data. For example 10 frame averaging (this was on our SP5, no HyD, so no photon count accumulation) at 8000 Hz produced better data than 1 scan at 800 Hz. * Get the riboflavin out ... Bogdanov et al (see Evrogen DMEMgfp), Matsuda ... Sedat (PLoS One), and more recently a visit from Essen Bioscience reps (thanks Daniel), show that, respectively, riboflavin in culture media causes EGFP and related FPs - ex. EYFP - to photobleach ~8x faster, riboflavin greatly facilitates photoswtiching of EGFP to red fluorescence (they used this for PALM on their OMX), and riboflavin is by far the major source of green autofluorescence in tissue culture media. I was surprised that the last was not Phenol red, but I will still recommend "no riboflavin (for 24 hours - see Bogdanov), no Phenol red, if you want to use 25 mM Hepes make sure it plus light does not mess up your cell's physiology. * ROXS like live cell media ... see Kasper et al 2010 Small, then references cited within and newer related papers (many form Tinnefeld and Sauer) for live cell equivalents. The bottom line of the above is that if you can STED to say 140 nm XY resolution, a 1/3rd improvement over confocal (214 nm for pinhole 1.0, lambda = 500 nm, NA = 1.4) use it and do biology. * Long term: if you do not have HyD detector(s), get a demonstration. Be sure to use accumulation mode, not averaging. HyD's have substantially higher quantum efficiency than the standard Leica PMT's, and lower electronic noise (or at least the use of photon counting mode hides the noise up front - same thing from a data perspective). For me, operating with the data in photon counts makes understanding the data much easier. At times 20 photon maximum signal in a few pixel size object (single molecule?) is enough to get useful results, since the noise floor is typically ~0.5 photons in the same image. * Long term: EYFP is pH and chloride sensitive. You should eventually switch to mVenus, unless you are trying to study pH and/or chloride ion changes in your organelles (in which case you probably need a second color for ratio ... or FLIM). keep an eye on the literature in case an even better yellow FP comes out. * Very long term (start planning now to find money): FLIM HyD(s) for g-STED (and pulsed laser[s]). Note that the current HyD (not sure if it is the detector module, electronics or both - ask your Leica rep), are photon counting but lack something for FLIM timing. Leica should have these out in 2012. If you do not have the other FLIM hardware (the Leica/PicoQuant SMD module), start looking for money for that too. If leica (and PicoQuant) nail this combination, g-STED will not only be able to gate out the "pedestal" photons (see FLIM section of Reuss dissertation or Fig 1 of Vicidomini et al), but also any other sources of "zero time" photons. * Unknown term: The current Leica Vortex Phase Filters improve in XY only. The STED point spread function is skinnier than confocal (I think of STED as a pencil, confocal as an American football), so there is some improvement in axial resolution (10%?), but either adding an annular filter (2nd depletion path) or 3D-EasySTED points the way to where Leica is going. Hopefully Leica will simply have the field service engineers replace all customer 2D-VFPs with 3D-? as part of routine service. *** Additional point to my previous post ... A major goal for our STED grant proposal(s) is to get the money for an instrument to enable our users to image and count single molecules in or on cells, with "the usual colors" that our user base uses now. For example, Alexa Fluor 488, Alexa Fluor 568, and (occasionally) Alexa Fluor 647, or EGFP, mCherry, possbile 3rd color (there are now plenty of hybrid small organic molecule - protein targeting sequences, such as Halo-Tag, Snap-Tag, etc, that these could be alternatives to standard FPs ... I was also pleased with one user's Panomics breanched DNA detection RNA FISH result and saw a nice paper recently in Biotechniques reminding me about proximity ligation assay - rolling circle amplification "prxoimity immunofluorescence"). By single molecule, I do not necessarily mean a single Alexa Fluor 488 dye molecule. I want to provide to my users the ability to image single antigens, typically one antigen, one monoclonal primary antibody, ~3 secondary antibodies, each with ~4 fluorophores. With optimized mounting media (ex. ROXS - Kasper et al 2010, also shows a clear benefit in confocal), optimized multicolor STED setup (see below and Reuss 2011 dissertation and g-STED, etc), I expect to get to get 50x50x200 nm optical resolution from multiple channels not just green for CW-STED). If we count to 25 photons, the precision localization is denominator sqrt(25) = 5, which means 10x10x40 nm. Since the indirect immunofluorescence layers are >10 nm diameter, no need to count too far past 25 photons. Hopefully Leica (maybe with some help from PicoQuant) will get P.L. into STED sooner than later (perhaps as simple as a port from GSD). Of course the Ag-1stAb-2ndAbs-~10 fluorophores is exactly what everyone has been using for immunofluorescence for a long time. Improvement in mounting media is doable (perhaps Invitrogen will come out with Prolong ROXS with out DAPI?) and will help users evaluate their experiments in their own labs or on our core microscopes. Best wishes, George On 9/11/2011 6:04 AM, POUVREAU SANDRINE wrote: > ***** > To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: > http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy > ***** > > Dear confocal listserv. > I am taking advantage of the fact that the STED topic has been started to raise a concern that a lot of physiologists colleagues have. I am trying to do live cell organelles imaging with STED system (in neurons), the organelles being stained with fluorescent proteins (EYFP). The problem is that the level of staining required with our STED set up seems to be incompatible with live cell physiology. Indeed, expression levels that show very bright staining in confocal are not bright enough for our STED system, to the point we cannot do any picture. Higher expression levels will just damage the organelle, or induce leak of the fluorophore into the cytosol, so this is not an option. It also seems to me that, although the signal is very weak, the intensity of the excitation is very high, which may cause further damage to the organelles. So far, my colleagues have been able to do nice images of the cells (neurons) with a cytosolic volume label (fluorescent protein), although they require high staining too, so it seems that our system is just fine but we cannot work with small volumes. Is this a common problem with STED systems? We are using filters in the detection path, no AOBS. > Thanks > Have a nice day > Sandrine > > > ________________________________________ > De : Confocal Microscopy List [[hidden email]] de la part de George McNamara [[hidden email]] > Date d'envoi : samedi 10 septembre 2011 23:59 > À : [hidden email] > Objet : EasySTED segmented waveplate > > ***** > To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: > http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy > ***** > > Dear Confocal (and nanoscopes) Listserv, > > I have been researching improvements in STED fluorescence nanoscopy. The > biggest improvements I came across were (order not meant to imply criticality > or price) are: > > * 3D-EasySTED segmented waveplate(s) ... vs current Leica (2D) Vortex > Phase Filter. > * Pulsed depletion (i.e. 80 MHz Ti:Sa instead of continuous wave (CW) laser. > Note that this ideally by around 100 to 300 ps duration and start some number > of picoseconds after the excitation pulse has left (needed to give excited > state to reach the lowest S1 state). > * Time gated (g-STED, aka FLIM STED) instead of continuous detection (note > that this requires pulsed excitation, and fits well with pulsed depletion). See > Vicidomini et al 2011 Nat Methods for recent publication (note that Fig 1 is on > fluorescent nanodiamonds - not a typical fluorophore. Look at the figures for > those using Alexa Fluor 488, etc). > * New Leica HyD detector(s). Sadly the CW-STED demo system that just left > Miami had only one HyD. > * Ultra stable vibration isolation table (unlike the demo system). > > EasySTED was published in 2010 by Reuss et al in Optics Express (open > access at http://www.opticsinfobase.org/oe/abstract.cfm?uri=oe-18-2-1049 ). > > I found online Matthias Reuss's PhD dissertation (http://archiv.ub.uni- > heidelberg.de/volltextserver/volltexte/2011/11539/pdf/Reuss_Dissertation.pdf ), > which has lots of cool stuff (though temperature wise does not come close to > A. Giske's cryoSTED dissertation, http://archiv.ub.uni- > heidelberg.de/volltextserver/volltexte/2008/7969/pdf/CryoSTED_microscopy_Ph > DThesis_agiske.pdf ). > > Reuss's dissertation has stuff from the 2010 Optics Express article, a little bit > on time-gating STED but the item that caught my eye was 3D-EasySTED. > > I have done more research on EasySTED and in exchanging emails with Goetz > Zinner at the manufacturer (www.b-halle.de), Goetz wrote that: > > "An interesting result I found is that a 6.5 lambda plate at 710 nm would have > 7.5 lambda at 622 nm, 8.5 lambda 554 nm and 9.5 lambda 501 nm. This would > enable to use only one mode converter for all four depletion wavelengths." > > Transmitting any of the half lambda wavelengths through a single segmented > waveplate produces STED depletion doughnuts at each of these wavelengths. > > From Reuss's dissertation it seems (to me) that a tolerance of a few percent > (ex. 2% would be 10 nm at 501 nm) would still produce an acceptable > doughnut. > > But wait, there is more - the same segmented waveplate can also tranmit > whole lambda wavelengths, and these can be calculated using the data > available from a paper Goetz mentioned in his email: > > G. Ghosh 1999 Dispersion-equation coefficients for the refractive index and > birefringence of calcite and quartz crystals. Opt Commun 163: 95–102 > (available online at www.sciencedirect.com). > > Using Goetz'z equation (actually, the standard Lambda retardance equation - > see Reuss) and Ghosh's data, I made an Excel file that presents Goetz's > results. Besides confirming that one segmented waveplate can have multiple > half and whole lambda's, one of the coolest features is that (interpolating from > Ghosh's data), 467.5 and 890 um thick quartz segmented waveplates produce > whole and/or half Lambda retardance values for a variety of thicknesses that > are round number of micrometers in thickness (200, 300, 400 um, for > example). > > For those interested in EasySTED, I am happy to send anyone the Excel file. > Best to contact me through my office email address, > [hidden email]. > > Sincerely, > > George > -- George McNamara, PhD Analytical Imaging Core Facility University of Miami |
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Andreas Bruckbauer |
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To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy ***** Hi Sandrine, George, would structured illumination with EMCCD camera based detection not be more efficient for very waek samples? How does a STED with HyD detectors compare to the OMX in terms of collection efficiency? Translating the signal to number of molecules is very usefull but watch out that molecules can bleach even when they are not contributing to your signal. best wishes Andreas -----Original Message----- From: George McNamara <[hidden email]> To: CONFOCALMICROSCOPY <[hidden email]> Sent: Sun, 11 Sep 2011 18:29 Subject: RE : EasySTED segmented waveplate ***** To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy ***** Hi Sandrine, Having just hosted a three week CW-STED demo at UM, I have some suggestions. I am assuming you are on a Leica CW-STED system. Short term: * No need for full power depletion: I suggest you start by comparing confocal (STED power slider at 0% and red/black shutter button unselected = black) to low power STED. Since LAS AF allows you to make lots of scan tracks, I suggest sequential scan - frame - mode (excitation laser same for all tracks): confocal, STED 10%, STED 25%, STED 75%, STED 100%, confocal. * There is a clear interaction between excitation and depletion: On a new field of view, same as above, but with less excitation power (for example, 25% of your usual power). * Do STED first: Jonathan Boyd of Leica pointed out during our demo that the point of being on a STED machine is to do STED. I had typically done confocal frame scan then STED. Jonathan convinced me that doing STED first makes sense. * Go fast: 1400 Hz (min zoom 6, I am referring to the high resolution scanner) may produce better STED and confocal data than slower speeds. If you have not been evaluating different scan speeds, your Leica training person did a poor job. Jonathan also pointed out that on the SP5 high resolution scanner can operate at 600 Hz at 1x zoom, so everyone should switch from 400 Hz default to 600 Hz (of course from a core billing perspective, we could make more money by getting everyone to use 100 Hz). With respect to 600 Hz, hopefully Leica will add this as a drop down list item in near future LAS AF release. Jonathan also showed me that resonant scan mode can produce better data. For example 10 frame averaging (this was on our SP5, no HyD, so no photon count accumulation) at 8000 Hz produced better data than 1 scan at 800 Hz. * Get the riboflavin out ... Bogdanov et al (see Evrogen DMEMgfp), Matsuda ... Sedat (PLoS One), and more recently a visit from Essen Bioscience reps (thanks Daniel), show that, respectively, riboflavin in culture media causes EGFP and related FPs - ex. EYFP - to photobleach ~8x faster, riboflavin greatly facilitates photoswtiching of EGFP to red fluorescence (they used this for PALM on their OMX), and riboflavin is by far the major source of green autofluorescence in tissue culture media. I was surprised that the last was not Phenol red, but I will still recommend "no riboflavin (for 24 hours - see Bogdanov), no Phenol red, if you want to use 25 mM Hepes make sure it plus light does not mess up your cell's physiology. * ROXS like live cell media ... see Kasper et al 2010 Small, then references cited within and newer related papers (many form Tinnefeld and Sauer) for live cell equivalents. The bottom line of the above is that if you can STED to say 140 nm XY resolution, a 1/3rd improvement over confocal (214 nm for pinhole 1.0, lambda = 500 nm, NA = 1.4) use it and do biology. * Long term: if you do not have HyD detector(s), get a demonstration. Be sure to use accumulation mode, not averaging. HyD's have substantially higher quantum efficiency than the standard Leica PMT's, and lower electronic noise (or at least the use of photon counting mode hides the noise up front - same thing from a data perspective). For me, operating with the data in photon counts makes understanding the data much easier. At times 20 photon maximum signal in a few pixel size object (single molecule?) is enough to get useful results, since the noise floor is typically ~0.5 photons in the same image. * Long term: EYFP is pH and chloride sensitive. You should eventually switch to mVenus, unless you are trying to study pH and/or chloride ion changes in your organelles (in which case you probably need a second color for ratio ... or FLIM). keep an eye on the literature in case an even better yellow FP comes out. * Very long term (start planning now to find money): FLIM HyD(s) for g-STED (and pulsed laser[s]). Note that the current HyD (not sure if it is the detector module, electronics or both - ask your Leica rep), are photon counting but lack something for FLIM timing. Leica should have these out in 2012. If you do not have the other FLIM hardware (the Leica/PicoQuant SMD module), start looking for money for that too. If leica (and PicoQuant) nail this combination, g-STED will not only be able to gate out the "pedestal" photons (see FLIM section of Reuss dissertation or Fig 1 of Vicidomini et al), but also any other sources of "zero time" photons. * Unknown term: The current Leica Vortex Phase Filters improve in XY only. The STED point spread function is skinnier than confocal (I think of STED as a pencil, confocal as an American football), so there is some improvement in axial resolution (10%?), but either adding an annular filter (2nd depletion path) or 3D-EasySTED points the way to where Leica is going. Hopefully Leica will simply have the field service engineers replace all customer 2D-VFPs with 3D-? as part of routine service. *** Additional point to my previous post ... A major goal for our STED grant proposal(s) is to get the money for an instrument to enable our users to image and count single molecules in or on cells, with "the usual colors" that our user base uses now. For example, Alexa Fluor 488, Alexa Fluor 568, and (occasionally) Alexa Fluor 647, or EGFP, mCherry, possbile 3rd color (there are now plenty of hybrid small organic molecule - protein targeting sequences, such as Halo-Tag, Snap-Tag, etc, that these could be alternatives to standard FPs ... I was also pleased with one user's Panomics breanched DNA detection RNA FISH result and saw a nice paper recently in Biotechniques reminding me about proximity ligation assay - rolling circle amplification "prxoimity immunofluorescence"). By single molecule, I do not necessarily mean a single Alexa Fluor 488 dye molecule. I want to provide to my users the ability to image single antigens, typically one antigen, one monoclonal primary antibody, ~3 secondary antibodies, each with ~4 fluorophores. With optimized mounting media (ex. ROXS - Kasper et al 2010, also shows a clear benefit in confocal), optimized multicolor STED setup (see below and Reuss 2011 dissertation and g-STED, etc), I expect to get to get 50x50x200 nm optical resolution from multiple channels not just green for CW-STED). If we count to 25 photons, the precision localization is denominator sqrt(25) = 5, which means 10x10x40 nm. Since the indirect immunofluorescence layers are >10 nm diameter, no need to count too far past 25 photons. Hopefully Leica (maybe with some help from PicoQuant) will get P.L. into STED sooner than later (perhaps as simple as a port from GSD). Of course the Ag-1stAb-2ndAbs-~10 fluorophores is exactly what everyone has been using for immunofluorescence for a long time. Improvement in mounting media is doable (perhaps Invitrogen will come out with Prolong ROXS with out DAPI?) and will help users evaluate their experiments in their own labs or on our core microscopes. Best wishes, George On 9/11/2011 6:04 AM, POUVREAU SANDRINE wrote: > ***** > To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: > http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy > ***** > > Dear confocal listserv. > I am taking advantage of the fact that the STED topic has been started to raise a concern that a lot of physiologists colleagues have. I am trying to do live cell organelles imaging with STED system (in neurons), the organelles being stained with fluorescent proteins (EYFP). The problem is that the level of staining required with our STED set up seems to be incompatible with live cell physiology. Indeed, expression levels that show very bright staining in confocal are not bright enough for our STED system, to the point we cannot do any picture. Higher expression levels will just damage the organelle, or induce leak of the fluorophore into the cytosol, so this is not an option. It also seems to me that, although the signal is very weak, the intensity of the excitation is very high, which may cause further damage to the organelles. So far, my colleagues have been able to do nice images of the cells (neurons) with a cytosolic volume label (fluorescent protein), although they require high staining too, so it seems that our system is just fine but we cannot work with small volumes. Is this a common problem with STED systems? We are using filters in the detection path, no AOBS. > Thanks > Have a nice day > Sandrine > > > ________________________________________ > De : Confocal Microscopy List [[hidden email]] de la part de George McNamara [[hidden email]] > Date d'envoi : samedi 10 septembre 2011 23:59 > À : [hidden email] > Objet : EasySTED segmented waveplate > > ***** > To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: > http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy > ***** > > Dear Confocal (and nanoscopes) Listserv, > > I have been researching improvements in STED fluorescence nanoscopy. The > biggest improvements I came across were (order not meant to imply criticality > or price) are: > > * 3D-EasySTED segmented waveplate(s) ... vs current Leica (2D) Vortex > Phase Filter. > * Pulsed depletion (i.e. 80 MHz Ti:Sa instead of continuous wave (CW) laser. > Note that this ideally by around 100 to 300 ps duration and start some number > of picoseconds after the excitation pulse has left (needed to give excited > state to reach the lowest S1 state). > * Time gated (g-STED, aka FLIM STED) instead of continuous detection (note > that this requires pulsed excitation, and fits well with pulsed depletion). See > Vicidomini et al 2011 Nat Methods for recent publication (note that Fig 1 is on > fluorescent nanodiamonds - not a typical fluorophore. Look at the figures for > those using Alexa Fluor 488, etc). > * New Leica HyD detector(s). Sadly the CW-STED demo system that just left > Miami had only one HyD. > * Ultra stable vibration isolation table (unlike the demo system). > > EasySTED was published in 2010 by Reuss et al in Optics Express (open > access at http://www.opticsinfobase.org/oe/abstract.cfm?uri=oe-18-2-1049 ). > > I found online Matthias Reuss's PhD dissertation (http://archiv.ub.uni- > heidelberg.de/volltextserver/volltexte/2011/11539/pdf/Reuss_Dissertation.pdf ), > which has lots of cool stuff (though temperature wise does not come close to > A. Giske's cryoSTED dissertation, http://archiv.ub.uni- > heidelberg.de/volltextserver/volltexte/2008/7969/pdf/CryoSTED_microscopy_Ph > DThesis_agiske.pdf ). > > Reuss's dissertation has stuff from the 2010 Optics Express article, a little bit > on time-gating STED but the item that caught my eye was 3D-EasySTED. > > I have done more research on EasySTED and in exchanging emails with Goetz > Zinner at the manufacturer (www.b-halle.de), Goetz wrote that: > > "An interesting result I found is that a 6.5 lambda plate at 710 nm would have > 7.5 lambda at 622 nm, 8.5 lambda 554 nm and 9.5 lambda 501 nm. This would > enable to use only one mode converter for all four depletion wavelengths." > > Transmitting any of the half lambda wavelengths through a single segmented > waveplate produces STED depletion doughnuts at each of these wavelengths. > > From Reuss's dissertation it seems (to me) that a tolerance of a few percent > (ex. 2% would be 10 nm at 501 nm) would still produce an acceptable > doughnut. > > But wait, there is more - the same segmented waveplate can also tranmit > whole lambda wavelengths, and these can be calculated using the data > available from a paper Goetz mentioned in his email: > > G. Ghosh 1999 Dispersion-equation coefficients for the refractive index and > birefringence of calcite and quartz crystals. Opt Commun 163: 95–102 > (available online at www.sciencedirect.com). > > Using Goetz'z equation (actually, the standard Lambda retardance equation - > see Reuss) and Ghosh's data, I made an Excel file that presents Goetz's > results. Besides confirming that one segmented waveplate can have multiple > half and whole lambda's, one of the coolest features is that (interpolating from > Ghosh's data), 467.5 and 890 um thick quartz segmented waveplates produce > whole and/or half Lambda retardance values for a variety of thicknesses that > are round number of micrometers in thickness (200, 300, 400 um, for > example). > > For those interested in EasySTED, I am happy to send anyone the Excel file. > Best to contact me through my office email address, > [hidden email]. > > Sincerely, > > George > -- George McNamara, PhD Analytical Imaging Core Facility University of Miami |
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George McNamara |
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To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy ***** Hi Andreas, Operating a back illuminated EMCCD in EM mode cuts the effective quantum efficiency in half (assuming the user knows to turn on / leave on the EM gain register). At our OMX demo in March, API did not show me any data in photon counting mode (the demo mostly used an EMCCD(s) V3, we wrote the S10 for a 5 megapixel scientific CMOS V4 to reduce price and get a bigger field of view). Bleaching during acquisition - check out the ROXS paper (Kasper et al 2010, Small). This and similar reagents - including some for live cell imaging - should improve STED, OMX (and the other 3D-SIM), and confocal, and widefield imaging. Of course ultra-stable fluorophores would be problematic for PALm/STORM/Monet (the user could always change solutions for the latter modes). One of the advantages of STED over confocal is the smaller volume being imaged. At 50x50x200 nm (g-EastSTED, see Blom et al 2011 MRT, Vicidomini et al 2011 Nat Meth, Reuss 2011 PhD dissertation) STED is operating with an (approximately) 4x4x3 = 48 fold smaller volume than confocal. Smaller volume means less autofluorescence from the specimen, as well as a much sparser distribution of wanted fluorophores than confocal. Of course it implies scanning either for longer, or smaller volume, or both, to get done. Hell's lab has published on RESCUE-STED, something like Mander's CLEM, to presumably get done sooner. I believe the RESCUE-STED paper used a 400 usec pixel dwell time and 15x15 nm pixel size, and a 4x4 um field of view (TEMesque field of view). At our Miami CW-STED demo we often used 3072x3072 pixels, 25x25 nm pixel size, and 4 to 10 line or frame accumulation, 75x75 um field of view, getting done in 20 seconds per 2D image (single channel). Enjoy, George p.s. please convince NIH to fund both our S10's. If we get both OMX V4 (sCMOS) and STED, you are welcome to visit Miami to do a head to head comparison. On 9/12/2011 5:41 AM, Andreas Bruckbauer wrote: > ***** > To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: > http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy > ***** > > > Hi Sandrine, George, > > would structured illumination with EMCCD camera based detection not be more efficient for very waek samples? How does a STED with HyD detectors compare to the OMX in terms of collection efficiency? Translating the signal to number of molecules is very usefull but watch out that molecules can bleach even when they are not contributing to your signal. > > best wishes > > Andreas > > > > > > > > > > -----Original Message----- > From: George McNamara<[hidden email]> > To: CONFOCALMICROSCOPY<[hidden email]> > Sent: Sun, 11 Sep 2011 18:29 > Subject: RE : EasySTED segmented waveplate > > > ***** > > To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: > > http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy > > ***** > > > > Hi Sandrine, > > > > Having just hosted a three week CW-STED demo at UM, I have some > > suggestions. I am assuming you are on a Leica CW-STED system. > > > > Short term: > > > > * No need for full power depletion: I suggest you start by comparing > > confocal (STED power slider at 0% and red/black shutter button > > unselected = black) to low power STED. Since LAS AF allows you to make > > lots of scan tracks, I suggest sequential scan - frame - mode > > (excitation laser same for all tracks): confocal, STED 10%, STED 25%, > > STED 75%, STED 100%, confocal. > > > > * There is a clear interaction between excitation and depletion: On a > > new field of view, same as above, but with less excitation power (for > > example, 25% of your usual power). > > > > * Do STED first: Jonathan Boyd of Leica pointed out during our demo that > > the point of being on a STED machine is to do STED. I had typically done > > confocal frame scan then STED. Jonathan convinced me that doing STED > > first makes sense. > > > > * Go fast: 1400 Hz (min zoom 6, I am referring to the high resolution > > scanner) may produce better STED and confocal data than slower speeds. > > If you have not been evaluating different scan speeds, your Leica > > training person did a poor job. Jonathan also pointed out that on the > > SP5 high resolution scanner can operate at 600 Hz at 1x zoom, so > > everyone should switch from 400 Hz default to 600 Hz (of course from a > > core billing perspective, we could make more money by getting everyone > > to use 100 Hz). With respect to 600 Hz, hopefully Leica will add this as > > a drop down list item in near future LAS AF release. Jonathan also > > showed me that resonant scan mode can produce better data. For example > > 10 frame averaging (this was on our SP5, no HyD, so no photon count > > accumulation) at 8000 Hz produced better data than 1 scan at 800 Hz. > > > > * Get the riboflavin out ... Bogdanov et al (see Evrogen DMEMgfp), > > Matsuda ... Sedat (PLoS One), and more recently a visit from Essen > > Bioscience reps (thanks Daniel), show that, respectively, riboflavin in > > culture media causes EGFP and related FPs - ex. EYFP - to photobleach > > ~8x faster, riboflavin greatly facilitates photoswtiching of EGFP to red > > fluorescence (they used this for PALM on their OMX), and riboflavin is > > by far the major source of green autofluorescence in tissue culture > > media. I was surprised that the last was not Phenol red, but I will > > still recommend "no riboflavin (for 24 hours - see Bogdanov), no Phenol > > red, if you want to use 25 mM Hepes make sure it plus light does not > > mess up your cell's physiology. > > > > * ROXS like live cell media ... see Kasper et al 2010 Small, then > > references cited within and newer related papers (many form Tinnefeld > > and Sauer) for live cell equivalents. > > > > The bottom line of the above is that if you can STED to say 140 nm XY > > resolution, a 1/3rd improvement over confocal (214 nm for pinhole 1.0, > > lambda = 500 nm, NA = 1.4) use it and do biology. > > > > * Long term: if you do not have HyD detector(s), get a demonstration. Be > > sure to use accumulation mode, not averaging. HyD's have substantially > > higher quantum efficiency than the standard Leica PMT's, and lower > > electronic noise (or at least the use of photon counting mode hides the > > noise up front - same thing from a data perspective). For me, operating > > with the data in photon counts makes understanding the data much easier. > > At times 20 photon maximum signal in a few pixel size object (single > > molecule?) is enough to get useful results, since the noise floor is > > typically ~0.5 photons in the same image. > > > > * Long term: EYFP is pH and chloride sensitive. You should eventually > > switch to mVenus, unless you are trying to study pH and/or chloride ion > > changes in your organelles (in which case you probably need a second > > color for ratio ... or FLIM). keep an eye on the literature in case an > > even better yellow FP comes out. > > > > * Very long term (start planning now to find money): FLIM HyD(s) for > > g-STED (and pulsed laser[s]). Note that the current HyD (not sure if it > > is the detector module, electronics or both - ask your Leica rep), are > > photon counting but lack something for FLIM timing. Leica should have > > these out in 2012. If you do not have the other FLIM hardware (the > > Leica/PicoQuant SMD module), start looking for money for that too. If > > leica (and PicoQuant) nail this combination, g-STED will not only be > > able to gate out the "pedestal" photons (see FLIM section of Reuss > > dissertation or Fig 1 of Vicidomini et al), but also any other sources > > of "zero time" photons. > > > > * Unknown term: The current Leica Vortex Phase Filters improve in XY > > only. The STED point spread function is skinnier than confocal (I think > > of STED as a pencil, confocal as an American football), so there is some > > improvement in axial resolution (10%?), but either adding an annular > > filter (2nd depletion path) or 3D-EasySTED points the way to where Leica > > is going. Hopefully Leica will simply have the field service engineers > > replace all customer 2D-VFPs with 3D-? as part of routine service. > > > > *** > > > > Additional point to my previous post ... A major goal for our STED grant > > proposal(s) is to get the money for an instrument to enable our users to > > image and count single molecules in or on cells, with "the usual colors" > > that our user base uses now. For example, Alexa Fluor 488, Alexa Fluor > > 568, and (occasionally) Alexa Fluor 647, or EGFP, mCherry, possbile 3rd > > color (there are now plenty of hybrid small organic molecule - protein > > targeting sequences, such as Halo-Tag, Snap-Tag, etc, that these could > > be alternatives to standard FPs ... I was also pleased with one user's > > Panomics breanched DNA detection RNA FISH result and saw a nice paper > > recently in Biotechniques reminding me about proximity ligation assay - > > rolling circle amplification "prxoimity immunofluorescence"). By single > > molecule, I do not necessarily mean a single Alexa Fluor 488 dye > > molecule. I want to provide to my users the ability to image single > > antigens, typically one antigen, one monoclonal primary antibody, ~3 > > secondary antibodies, each with ~4 fluorophores. With optimized mounting > > media (ex. ROXS - Kasper et al 2010, also shows a clear benefit in > > confocal), optimized multicolor STED setup (see below and Reuss 2011 > > dissertation and g-STED, etc), I expect to get to get 50x50x200 nm > > optical resolution from multiple channels not just green for CW-STED). > > If we count to 25 photons, the precision localization is denominator > > sqrt(25) = 5, which means 10x10x40 nm. Since the indirect > > immunofluorescence layers are>10 nm diameter, no need to count too far > > past 25 photons. Hopefully Leica (maybe with some help from PicoQuant) > > will get P.L. into STED sooner than later (perhaps as simple as a port > > from GSD). Of course the Ag-1stAb-2ndAbs-~10 fluorophores is exactly > > what everyone has been using for immunofluorescence for a long time. > > Improvement in mounting media is doable (perhaps Invitrogen will come > > out with Prolong ROXS with out DAPI?) and will help users evaluate their > > experiments in their own labs or on our core microscopes. > > > > > > > > Best wishes, > > > > George > > > > > > > > On 9/11/2011 6:04 AM, POUVREAU SANDRINE wrote: > > >> ***** >> > >> To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: >> > >> http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy >> > >> ***** >> > >> > >> Dear confocal listserv. >> > >> I am taking advantage of the fact that the STED topic has been started to >> > raise a concern that a lot of physiologists colleagues have. I am trying to do > > live cell organelles imaging with STED system (in neurons), the organelles being > > stained with fluorescent proteins (EYFP). The problem is that the level of > > staining required with our STED set up seems to be incompatible with live cell > > physiology. Indeed, expression levels that show very bright staining in confocal > > are not bright enough for our STED system, to the point we cannot do any > > picture. Higher expression levels will just damage the organelle, or induce > > leak of the fluorophore into the cytosol, so this is not an option. It also > > seems to me that, although the signal is very weak, the intensity of the > > excitation is very high, which may cause further damage to the organelles. So > > far, my colleagues have been able to do nice images of the cells (neurons) with > > a cytosolic volume label (fluorescent protein), although they require high > > staining too, so it seems that our system is just fine but we cannot work with > > small volumes. Is this a common problem with STED systems? We are using filters > > in the detection path, no AOBS. > > >> Thanks >> > >> Have a nice day >> > >> Sandrine >> > >> > >> > >> ________________________________________ >> > >> De : Confocal Microscopy List [[hidden email]] de la part de >> > George McNamara [[hidden email]] > > >> Date d'envoi : samedi 10 septembre 2011 23:59 >> > >> À : [hidden email] >> > >> Objet : EasySTED segmented waveplate >> > >> > >> ***** >> > >> To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: >> > >> http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy >> > >> ***** >> > >> > >> Dear Confocal (and nanoscopes) Listserv, >> > >> > >> I have been researching improvements in STED fluorescence nanoscopy. The >> > >> biggest improvements I came across were (order not meant to imply criticality >> > >> or price) are: >> > >> > >> * 3D-EasySTED segmented waveplate(s) ... vs current Leica (2D) Vortex >> > >> Phase Filter. >> > >> * Pulsed depletion (i.e. 80 MHz Ti:Sa instead of continuous wave (CW) laser. >> > >> Note that this ideally by around 100 to 300 ps duration and start some number >> > >> of picoseconds after the excitation pulse has left (needed to give excited >> > >> state to reach the lowest S1 state). >> > >> * Time gated (g-STED, aka FLIM STED) instead of continuous detection (note >> > >> that this requires pulsed excitation, and fits well with pulsed depletion). >> > See > > >> Vicidomini et al 2011 Nat Methods for recent publication (note that Fig 1 is >> > on > > >> fluorescent nanodiamonds - not a typical fluorophore. Look at the figures for >> > >> those using Alexa Fluor 488, etc). >> > >> * New Leica HyD detector(s). Sadly the CW-STED demo system that just left >> > >> Miami had only one HyD. >> > >> * Ultra stable vibration isolation table (unlike the demo system). >> > >> > >> EasySTED was published in 2010 by Reuss et al in Optics Express (open >> > >> access at http://www.opticsinfobase.org/oe/abstract.cfm?uri=oe-18-2-1049 ). >> > >> > >> I found online Matthias Reuss's PhD dissertation (http://archiv.ub.uni- >> > >> heidelberg.de/volltextserver/volltexte/2011/11539/pdf/Reuss_Dissertation.pdf >> > ), > > >> which has lots of cool stuff (though temperature wise does not come close to >> > >> A. Giske's cryoSTED dissertation, http://archiv.ub.uni- >> > >> heidelberg.de/volltextserver/volltexte/2008/7969/pdf/CryoSTED_microscopy_Ph >> > >> DThesis_agiske.pdf ). >> > >> > >> Reuss's dissertation has stuff from the 2010 Optics Express article, a little >> > bit > > >> on time-gating STED but the item that caught my eye was 3D-EasySTED. >> > >> > >> I have done more research on EasySTED and in exchanging emails with Goetz >> > >> Zinner at the manufacturer (www.b-halle.de), Goetz wrote that: >> > >> > >> "An interesting result I found is that a 6.5 lambda plate at 710 nm would have >> > >> 7.5 lambda at 622 nm, 8.5 lambda 554 nm and 9.5 lambda 501 nm. This would >> > >> enable to use only one mode converter for all four depletion wavelengths." >> > >> > >> Transmitting any of the half lambda wavelengths through a single segmented >> > >> waveplate produces STED depletion doughnuts at each of these wavelengths. >> > >>> From Reuss's dissertation it seems (to me) that a tolerance of a few percent >>> > >> (ex. 2% would be 10 nm at 501 nm) would still produce an acceptable >> > >> doughnut. >> > >> > >> But wait, there is more - the same segmented waveplate can also tranmit >> > >> whole lambda wavelengths, and these can be calculated using the data >> > >> available from a paper Goetz mentioned in his email: >> > >> > >> G. Ghosh 1999 Dispersion-equation coefficients for the refractive index and >> > >> birefringence of calcite and quartz crystals. Opt Commun 163: 95–102 >> > >> (available online at www.sciencedirect.com). >> > >> > >> Using Goetz'z equation (actually, the standard Lambda retardance equation - >> > >> see Reuss) and Ghosh's data, I made an Excel file that presents Goetz's >> > >> results. Besides confirming that one segmented waveplate can have multiple >> > >> half and whole lambda's, one of the coolest features is that (interpolating >> > from > > >> Ghosh's data), 467.5 and 890 um thick quartz segmented waveplates produce >> > >> whole and/or half Lambda retardance values for a variety of thicknesses that >> > >> are round number of micrometers in thickness (200, 300, 400 um, for >> > >> example). >> > >> > >> For those interested in EasySTED, I am happy to send anyone the Excel file. >> > >> Best to contact me through my office email address, >> > >> [hidden email]. >> > >> > >> Sincerely, >> > >> > >> George >> > >> >> > > > > > -- George McNamara, PhD Analytical Imaging Core Facility University of Miami |
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