Ekrano - open source unit for lab monitoring and control **commercial**

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Joao Lagarto Joao Lagarto
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Ekrano - open source unit for lab monitoring and control **commercial**

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Dear all,

As facility managers we know that controlling users access and training is not enough for a thorough facility supervision. Further, critical equipment like -80 freezers, incubators etc need a permanent monitor solution to avoid disasters. However, commercial solutions are not only expensive but can easily become out of support and are not flexible enough to cover some bizarre situations like something we encounter while dealing with complex instrumentation.

In the last four years, we have been developing and testing a custom solution for laboratory monitoring and control, based on open source hardware and firmware. We believe that our solution is now robust yet simple enough to be shared with this community. Up to now we have close to 100 sensors connected for over 2 years with 0 hardware problems.

Therefore, we would like to introduce Ekrano, an open source data acquisition unit. It operates over an Arduino platform, connected to a maximum of six analogue sensors, recording all data to a Micro SD card. In addition, it has its own HTTP server, which allows users to directly connect to the platform through a web browser and read the raw values at each analogue pin in real-time or to configure the platform with a list of pre-defined commands. This includes electronic actuation based on measured values.

This platform is compatible with our core facility management software Agendo (www.agendonext.com) andhttp://www.n3tsensors.com/. However we believe it is easy enough to connect it to other similar software and as we say above can work as a standalone solution. The interesting feature with Agendo is that we can match equipment bookings with measurements, which can trigger an event such as an email alert.

You can find more information and download the whole Ekrano package at our websitewww.cirklo.org.

This is still ongoing work and we expect to be posting updates from time to time. We appreciate any comments or suggestions that you may have.

Best regards,
João Lagarto