Ethics in Image Analysis Workshop Announcement

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Roland Nitschke Roland Nitschke
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Ethics in Image Analysis Workshop Announcement

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Dear colleagues,

This is an announcement for a  Workshop: Ethics in Image Analysis

Scientific fraud has become a serious concern in life sciences, as in
all segments of science. Microscopic image presentation is a serious
and, unfortunately, common source of fraud in life science publications.
As image editing is commonplace during data analysis and presentation,
even unwanted changes quickly lead to irregular and often illegal
figures. So, image editing and presentation are not always easy. This
workshop will provide all scientists with the proper tools and knowledge
to avoid common pitfalls, to spot imaging fraud, and to prepare sound
images to prevent fraud. This workshop is dedicated to all researchers
publishing microscopic image data who wish to do so in a lawful manner
and who wish to learn about common pitfalls and how to avoid them.

The workshop includes presentations from experts in the field, facility
heads, the DFG Programme Director “Scientific Instrumentation and
Information Technology” and from a journal editor / representative, as
well as Q & A and multiple hands-on sessions.

Ethics in Image Analysis Workshop  organized by MIAP (Microscopy and
Image Analysis Platform) at the University of Freiburg/Germany

Date: October 21st to 22nd 2019

Registration and further information visit:

Register NOW!


I kindly ask you to spread the word within your institute / department /
research group / facility. Feel free to advertise our events at any
location, event and audience you think might fit.

You can find all information from this e-mail on our website:

In general, there is a high demand in MIAP workshops and spots are
limited, so be sure to register as soon as possible.

Best regards,

Roland Nitschke

Dr. Roland Nitschke Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg Life Imaging
Center (LIC) in ZBSA Microscopy and Image Analysis Platform (MIAP)
Habsburgerstr.49 79104 Freiburg Germany e-mail:
[hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>
phone: +49 761 203 2934 fax: +49 761 203 2941 web LIC: web MIAP: <>