European BioImage Analysis Symposium: Barcelona, Oct. 7-12th

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Julien Colombelli Julien Colombelli
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European BioImage Analysis Symposium: Barcelona, Oct. 7-12th

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Dear BioImage colleagues and scientists,

We will organize a quite unique type of Bioimage analysis meeting in
Barcelona, from 7th to 8th of October this year:
EUBIAS 2013: European BioImage Analysis Symposium.

The Symposium aims at strengthening the image analysis community in Europe
and at increasing the accessibility of image analysis tools for the
community and end-users.

The 2-days Open Community Meeting (Oct. 7-8th) features an “Open Software
Showcase” presentations contributed by developers, open discussions and
debates, and oral and posters contributions, participation is open to
everyone. This event will help you to get a concise overview of various
image analysis software packages in only two days, and also to provide usage
feedbacks directly to the developers.

Developers from following packages/libraries have already confirmed and will
present their current status, most recent updates and perspectives:        
- ImageJ / Fiji
- ImgLib / ImageJ2
- Ilastik, VIGRA
- OME (OMERO and Bio-Formats)
- CellProfiler            
- BioImageXD        
- CellCognition
- Mahotas
- EBImage
- Pink
- ITK /Farsight
- DIPImage

We welcome you to sign up to the BioImage Community Meeting now,
please visit the website for more details and for registration:

The Symposium also features a developers ‘Taggathon’ (Oct. 9-11th) event and
a BioImage Analysis course (Oct. 9-12th) for european facilities members,
please check the web for more details.

If BioImage Analysis is key to your research, do not miss this unique event
to commit yourself in boosting the accessibility to BioImage Analysis tools
and strengthening the community !


on behalf of the organizers
Jason Swedlow, Kota Miura, Sébastien Tosi & Julien Colombelli