“Expect the unexpected” a small thing at COVID-19 time

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Alberto Diaspro-2 Alberto Diaspro-2
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“Expect the unexpected” a small thing at COVID-19 time

To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
Post images on http://www.imgur.com and include the link in your posting.

Dear friends,
first of all I hope all of you are well as we are at home and at DiasproLab ...family.
I understand there are a lot of more relevant problems around.

However, I am sure that within this community, in these days, we miss FOM.
We miss Focus on Microscopy, we miss Fred, Mariska, Katsumasa and Satoshi...and the others that organized FOM for a wonderful Spring time in Japan among cherry blossoms and science. We will read, hopefully, our abstracts online even if it is different to have the chance of chatting about microscopy and life with friends and colleagues in person.

In this COVID-19 time, as for most of you I am sure, there is an increasing number of digital meetings without the chance of commuting from one to the other... by my red Vespa. Just riding for a while.

In these days I also spend some time by assembling some audio-video materials for teachers and schools and “normal” people that following the prescription with sense of responsability  #stayathome #iorestoacasa.

Among things done, I bring to you this one about microscopy that I titled “Expect the unexpected” just for keeping in touch.

Link: https://youtu.be/Wn_YLDqhTUY

Hope to see you soon.

All the best

Alberto iPad Pro
Arvydas Matiukas Arvydas Matiukas
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Re: “Expect the unexpected” a small thing at COVID-19 time

To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
Post images on http://www.imgur.com and include the link in your posting.

Hi Alby,

It is nice to hear from you and thanks for the very interesting video.

I would like to note that the link to your free access article is not
Liquitopy® – addressing a new paradigm in optical microscopy (pdf) -
Alberto Diaspro

I was not able to follow the details : if free access is only to
registered readers on only within Italy.

Stay safe,

Arvydas Matiukas, Ph.D.
Director of  Advanced Fluorescent Microscopy Core

SUNY Upstate Medical University

Email: [hidden email]

>>> Alberto Diaspro <[hidden email]>
04/04/20 1:14 AM >>>
To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:

Post images on
 and include the link in your posting.

Dear friends,
first of all I hope all of you are well as we are at home and at
DiasproLab ...family.
I understand there are a lot of more relevant problems around.

However, I am sure that within this community, in these days, we miss
We miss Focus on Microscopy, we miss Fred, Mariska, Katsumasa and
Satoshi...and the others that organized FOM for a wonderful Spring time
in Japan among cherry blossoms and science. We will read, hopefully, our
abstracts online even if it is different to have the chance of chatting
about microscopy and life with friends and colleagues in person.

In this COVID-19 time, as for most of you I am sure, there is an
increasing number of digital meetings without the chance of commuting
from one to the other... by my red Vespa. Just riding for a while.

In these days I also spend some time by assembling some audio-video
materials for teachers and schools and “normal” people that following
the prescription with sense of responsability  #stayathome

Among things done, I bring to you this one about microscopy that I
titled “Expect the unexpected” just for keeping in touch.


Hope to see you soon.

All the best

Alberto iPad Pro