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FAD & TMRM confocal imaging

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Pedro Camello Pedro Camello
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FAD & TMRM confocal imaging

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Hi all,

I-m trying to record, in living cells, mitochondrial FAD autofluorescence
and TMRM.

I use a Nikon A1, using (exc/em); FAD 476/505-530, and TMRM 561/590-620 or a
long-pass filter.

While exciting with the 561 laser I´m finding some fluorescence at the lower
emission window (505-530). Unexpected to me.
I´ve been unable to locate in the web a FAD fluorescence spectrum.

My questions:

Could any A1 spectral user suggest me how to set the optimal conditions to
differentiate FAD and TMRM fluorescence?

Could anybody supply me with a FAD fluorescence spectrum?

Thanks in advance
George McNamara George McNamara
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Re: FAD & TMRM confocal imaging ... spectra

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Hi Pedro,

Fig 4 and 5 of Benson 1979 J Histochem Cytochem (www.jhc.org) has em
spectra of riboflavin, FAD, FMN (Fig 5: all three practically identical).
Figure 3 of Aubin 1979 J Histochem Cytochem has riboflavin ex and em
spectra - will be similar to FAD.
Fig 2 of Biophysical J has em spectrally unmixed components that authors
claim are flavin-ETF, free FAD, flavin-LipDH.
See also Maeda-Yorita and Aki 1984 J Biochem 96: 683-690.



On 2/9/2011 2:52 AM, Pedro J Camello wrote:

> *****
> To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
> http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=confocalmicroscopy
> *****
> Hi all,
> I-m trying to record, in living cells, mitochondrial FAD autofluorescence
> and TMRM.
> I use a Nikon A1, using (exc/em); FAD 476/505-530, and TMRM 561/590-620 or a
> long-pass filter.
> While exciting with the 561 laser I´m finding some fluorescence at the lower
> emission window (505-530). Unexpected to me.
> I´ve been unable to locate in the web a FAD fluorescence spectrum.
> My questions:
> Could any A1 spectral user suggest me how to set the optimal conditions to
> differentiate FAD and TMRM fluorescence?
> Could anybody supply me with a FAD fluorescence spectrum?
> Thanks in advance


George McNamara, PhD
Analytical Imaging Core Facility
University of Miami