FCCS Test probes

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Ann-W Ann-W
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FCCS Test probes

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Dear Listers

We recently have purchased a Leica FCS system equipped with capabilities for FCCS. However we don't have a standard sample with which to compare the FCCS efficiency. We are aware that others would use DNA Origami type approaches with a dual labelled oligo. Does anyone happen to have a protocol for making these probes, know of a reference which we could use for these probes or a commercial probe we could buy.

Many thanks


Dr Ann Wheeler
Advanced Imaging Resource, Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH4 2XU
E: [hidden email]
T: 0131 651 8665
W: http://www.igmm.ac.uk/imaging.htm

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
Ann Wheeler
Head of Advanced Imaging Facility
Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine
University of Edinburgh
United Kingdom