FOR SALE: Leica TCS SP2 Confocal Microscope

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Carl S. Thummel Carl S. Thummel
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FOR SALE: Leica TCS SP2 Confocal Microscope

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This Leica TCS SP2 confocal microscope was purchased for $186,703 in 2005.
It was maintained in a research lab at the University of Utah School of
Medicine and used by several researchers in the Department. It was
maintained continuously on a Leica service contract and fully functional until
last year when the computer failed. Otherwise, all parts, including the laser,
are fully functional. We are in contact with a former Leica service
representative who was responsible for maintaining this instrument over the
years. He is able to provide future service and maintenance. The suspension
table for the microscope was purchased separately and is not included in the
purchase price (although this can be negotiated).  

Contact: Carl S. Thummel
[hidden email]

Asking price:  $40,000 OBO

The buyer is responsible to pay for all shipping fees.

Leica TCS SP2 confocal microscope
• DM RX E, for Transmitted light and 50W
Fluorescence lilumination,
• TCS SP2 Basic Module
• SP2 Triple Channel
• Ar and GreNe and Hene lasers with 6ch AOIF
• Control Workstation PLUS with 2x18" LCD monitors
• TL BF detector for DM R, non- confocal
• 3D Package

DM RXE 6 TL /IV 4/1-125-1.6-B Upright microscope DM RXE stand for
transmitted light bright field and incident light fluorescence.
Motorized 4-step fine and coarse focusing.
Digital scale lum.
Objective parfocality and magnification memory.
Specimen stage: 1119 C (interchangeable), with analog display, adjustment
range 52x78 mm, rotatable up to11 0
Tube optics HC V VI-IR with magnification changer 1 x,1.25x, 1.6x and
focusable Bertrand lens for setting phase and interference contrast.
Mount for interchangeable coded nosepiece. Objective nosepiece: HWC, coded,
7 positions M25 Incident light module HC RF 4 with 4 positions,manually
adjustable. Tube He FSA VI-IR for TCS with TVport.
Condenser UCE, condenser top 0.90 S1 Eyepieces HC plan 10x125 Br. M.
Diaphragm module HC F Lamp housing 106 Z, 50 W high pressure mercury
lamp for fluorescence, power supply.
Fluorescence filter blocks: 13 (blue excitation BP 450-490, long pass emission
LP 515) typical for RTC, CY2 and GFPs.
N2.1 (green excitation BP 515-560, long pass emission LP 590) typical for
TRITC or CY3 etc.
Immersion oil and dust cover.

Objective He PL FLUOTAR 10x/0.30

HC PL APO 20x/0.70 Imm Corr CS High grade color corrected Plan Apochromat
lens for confocal scanning application.
High numerical aperture Immersion lens for Water, Glycerol or Oil Immersion.

HCX FL APO 40x/1.25-0.75 Oil CS High grade color corrected Plan Apochromat
lens for confocal scanning application.  High numerical aperture Immersion
lens for Oil Immersion.

HCX PL APO 63x/I.4 - 0.6 Oil CS High grade color corrected Plan Apochromat
lens for confocal scanning application.  High numerical aperture Immersion
lens for.011

ICT Basic Outfit DM R Consisting of Polarizer, Condenser disc, Objective disc
and Analyzer.

IC Prism C, D, E

IC Condenser Prism K2

IC Condenser Prism K4

IC Condenser Prism K5

TCS SP 2 Basic Module Confocal Scan head with highly sensitive spectral
detection system.
True single point confocal optics for superior image quality.
User switchable between Leica microscopes.
Alignment free for scanner lifetime.
3 individual ports available for external lasers for up to 6 lasers connected
Fiber-coupling and/or direct coupling of low-power lasers.
Spectral range of detector optics 400...850nm.
Adjustable pupil illumination
Variable, computer controlled detection pinhole diameter K- scanner with two
independent galvanometers.
Line frequency up to 2000 lines/sec.
Scan resolution up to 4096x4096 pixels. Zoom 1...32x Scan rotation -5...+95
degrees, optically uncompromised solution.
Scan field diagonal 22mm (intermediate image plane).
Scanner control with FPGA (Field programmable gate arrays).
Trigger in/outports.
Maximum 8 detector channels, simultaneously 12 bit digitization each
External port for attaching other devices.
Ultra wide panel. SCSI interface to PC. Supported by direct-access control
Laser Port VIS Laser port for visible light illumination through fiber optics from
merge module.
SP2 Triple Channel A 9624
Multi RGBB, 6ch AOTF Laser sources Red (HeNe
633nm110mW), Green (HeNe 543nm11 .2mW) and Blue (Ar
• 476nm15mW
• 488nm/20mW
• 514nm/20mW) mounted in housing and including fiber coupling. 6 channel
Acousto Optical Tunable Filter for laser line selection and attenuation. Not in
connection with AOBS

TLD BF 1 ch TCS SP2 DM R Transmitted light detector for recording bright field
images. For DM A microscopes.

Control Workstation PLUS 2x18" LCD TCS2 Scan driver electronics and system
controller. LCS Leica Confocal Software. Fully operator configurable user
interface. Context sensitive online help system. Multitasking high performance
Windows XP Professional Workstation. HP X4000 PC, CPU P IV/2.4 GHz 2048
MB RAM. 2 LCD Monitors (18"), true color, total of 2560x1024 pixels. Matrox
Dual-head Graphics card, 32 MB DDR RAM 72 GB SCSI hard disc
• 3.5" floppy. DVD ROM 16x CD write 16x/10x/40x
Network adapter 10/100Mbit SCSI on board LSI Ultra 160.
SCSI Adaptec Multi I/O card Keyboard
• Mouse. MS-Windows XP Professional. Interactive control
panel with 7 digital potentiometers. Computer table.

LCS 3D Software License bongle & License for Volume rendering, 30
animations, 3D filter, Stereo images and animations, Average projection,
Maximum point