FOR SALE: Zeiss LSM 510 Scanning laser confocal equipped with the META spectral detector

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FOR SALE: Zeiss LSM 510 Scanning laser confocal equipped with the META spectral detector

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We originally purchased this LSM 510 in 2004 for $441,668. It is fully functional and has been covered by service contracts for the whole time that we had it. We need to sell it because we have acquired some new microscopes and don't have the space to house it.

Asking price: $69,000 OBO

The buyer is responsible to pay for all shipping fees.

The confocal microscope consists of a Zeiss LSM 510 scanning laser confocal attachment mounted on a Zeiss Axiovert 200M inverted microscope. For laser scanning confocal imaging, the system is equipped with an argon laser with 458, 477, 488, and 514 nm laser lines, and a helium-neon laser with 543 and 633 nm laser lines.  These laser lines are compatible with a wide array of fluorophores including fluorescein, rhodamine, Cy5, CFP, GFP, YFP, DsRed (RFP), and HcRed. In addition to the conventional detectors, the META system has a multichannel spectral detector. This enables any segment of the visible to far-red spectrum (450–800 nm) to be collected in 10-nm increments. Using this spectral information plus software that “unmixes” emission spectra within seconds, users can distinguish between similar fluorophores, such as GFP and YFP, FITC and Alexa 488, or TRITC and Texas Red. Unlike most confocal systems that handle up to three common fluorescent labels at once, the META system allows for up to 8 fluorescent labels in a sample, all excited in the visible range.



Cedric Espenel, Ph.D.

Associate Research Scientist
Manager, Confocal and Specialized Microscopy Shared Resource
HICCC, Columbia University
1130 Saint Nicholas Ave, 222A
New York, NY 10032

Office: 212-851-4613

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