FRET spectral overlap integral

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Zdenek Svindrych-2 Zdenek Svindrych-2
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FRET spectral overlap integral

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Dear microscopists,

I'm looking for a reliable source of the FRET spectral overlap integral
formula. I was unable to decipher it form the original Forster's paper
( Most
often I've encountered it in the form as on Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.
org/wiki/F%C3%B6rster_resonance_energy_transfer), that is in wavelength
units and lambda^4 factor. But in some papers (
content/articlepdf/2013/cp/c3cp50173f), formula (4), it's in the wavenumber
units and a nu^(-4) factor.

The problem is the two formulas are mathematically incompatible (I believe).
Given nu=1/lambda and the integral substitution rule (http://tutorial.math. there should be
another nu^(-2) "Jacobian", yielding nu^(-6). Or alternatively, if the "nu"-
formula is correct, then a lambda^(-2) factor would lead to lambda^2 in the
well know formula...

To sum up, I believe either one or the other part of the formula (5.5) here
( is wrong. Btw, the
same should apply to formula (5.6) in the same book (if the link does not
work, it's "FRET - Förster Resonance Energy Transfer: From Theory to
Applications"), as the two ways to normalize the spectrum are very

I found one experimental paper in favor of the "lambda"-version (http://www., see fig 6. But can anyone point me
towards the origin of the formula?

Thanks, zdenek


Zdenek Svindrych, Ph.D.

W.M. Keck Center for Cellular Imaging (PLSB 003)

University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

tel: 434-982-4869
George McNamara George McNamara
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Re: FRET spectral overlap integral

To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
Post images on and include the link in your posting.

Hi Zdenek,

McNamara 20071011 FRET Janos Szollosi Horvath Gabor FRET calculator -
added Cy3B-Cy5  Cy3-Cy5 and Cy2-Cy5.xls
be sure to extract the file before trying to open.

inside "more stuff' folder is a RET data

McNamara 2006 van der Meer 1994 RET book data tables.xls


B. Wieb Van Der Meer, George Coker, III, S.-Y. Simon Chen (1994)
Resonance Energy Transfer: Theory and Data, VCH Publishers, Inc., New
York, NY. ISBN 1-56081-643-0. 177 pages.

You can find several more spectra in the file

McNamara Boswell PubSpectra 20090427M (Excel 2007).xlsx

for any listservites who like any of: looking at spots, multiplexing
biosensors and/or rainbow of transcriptional (or translational)
reporters, I encourage skimming the tables and figures in the download at



On 11/3/2015 3:07 PM, Zdenek Svindrych wrote:

> *****
> To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
> Post images on and include the link in your posting.
> *****
> Dear microscopists,
> I'm looking for a reliable source of the FRET spectral overlap integral
> formula. I was unable to decipher it form the original Forster's paper
> ( Most
> often I've encountered it in the form as on Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.
> org/wiki/F%C3%B6rster_resonance_energy_transfer), that is in wavelength
> units and lambda^4 factor. But in some papers (
> content/articlepdf/2013/cp/c3cp50173f), formula (4), it's in the wavenumber
> units and a nu^(-4) factor.
> The problem is the two formulas are mathematically incompatible (I believe).
> Given nu=1/lambda and the integral substitution rule (http://tutorial.math.
> there should be
> another nu^(-2) "Jacobian", yielding nu^(-6). Or alternatively, if the "nu"-
> formula is correct, then a lambda^(-2) factor would lead to lambda^2 in the
> well know formula...
> To sum up, I believe either one or the other part of the formula (5.5) here
> ( is wrong. Btw, the
> same should apply to formula (5.6) in the same book (if the link does not
> work, it's "FRET - Förster Resonance Energy Transfer: From Theory to
> Applications"), as the two ways to normalize the spectrum are very
> different...
> I found one experimental paper in favor of the "lambda"-version (http://www.
>, see fig 6. But can anyone point me
> towards the origin of the formula?
> Thanks, zdenek
> --
> Zdenek Svindrych, Ph.D.
> W.M. Keck Center for Cellular Imaging (PLSB 003)
> University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
> tel: 434-982-4869


George McNamara, Ph.D.
Single Cells Analyst
L.J.N. Cooper Lab
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, TX 77054