FW: COMMERCIAL POST - JOIN US FOR 60nm LIVE - Superresolution

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Shumsky, Elise Shumsky, Elise
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FW: COMMERCIAL POST - JOIN US FOR 60nm LIVE - Superresolution

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Join us at 60 nm. Live.
Invitation to a special live event on April 28

REGISTER FOR THE EVENT <https://www.zeiss.com/microscopy/int/cmp/lsc/21/sim-squared.html?utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=sim-squared-21&utm_medium=social>

Lattice SIM has taken you beyond the diffraction limit of conventional microscopy, giving you gentle super-resolution imaging with incredibly high speed and the ability to image deeper into challenging samples. But there's still more to see beyond 120 nm. How much more could you reveal if you could double the current resolution of SIM to push your live cell experiments even further?

Reveal the vibrant sub-organelle network of life with us. Join us on April 28, 5 PM CEST (11 AM EDT) for a special live event, and experience a revolutionary solution for structured illumination microscopy: SIMĀ².


Best regards,

Please note:
our new address is
One North Broadway, White Plains, NY 10601


E L I S E  S H U M S K Y
Head of PASS
ZEISS Research Microscopy Solutions
Carl Zeiss Microscopy, LLC
One North Broadway
White Plains, New York 10601
United States

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Customer Service +1 800 233-2343
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