Unless unavoidable don't use light excluding curtains, dimmers and
safe lights are always my preference. Use a light trap door not a curtain.
The microscope area behind these curtains becomes like a sauna, not good for
operators and definitely not good for microscopes. As mentioned in another
posting, ask the manufacturers for room specifications, temperature control
is really important.
Dr. Ian Montgomery,
I.B.L.S. Support Unit,
Thomson Building,
University of Glasgow,
G12 8QQ.
-----Original Message-----
From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:
[hidden email]] On
Behalf Of Martin Wessendorf
Sent: 05 May 2010 15:02
[hidden email]
Subject: Design specifications for an imaging core
Dear All--
Some space here is being remodeled for use as an imaging core and it'd
be helpful to know what other institutions have specified (or WISH they
had specified) as requirements for the space. (It'd also be helpful to
know what people think, in retrospect, was a waste of money.)
One thing that particularly concerns me is temperature stability--we
really don't want 5-degree C air from the air-conditioning system
blasting down onto a microscope that's in the middle of a z-series.
However, I can only guess at the limits of acceptability. What have
other groups specified and found works? I expect that saying "hold the
set-point +/- 0 degrees" isn't going to be helpful to the contractor.
--My recollection is that the list has covered similar topics in the
recent past, but the search terms I've tried aren't coming up with the
hits I'm looking for.
Martin Wessendorf
Martin Wessendorf, Ph.D. office: (612) 626-0145
Assoc Prof, Dept Neuroscience lab: (612) 624-2991
University of Minnesota Preferred FAX: (612) 624-8118
6-145 Jackson Hall, 321 Church St. SE Dept Fax: (612) 626-5009
Minneapolis, MN 55455 e-mail:
[hidden email]