FW: Kr/Ar lasers for sale

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Mark Auty Mark Auty
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FW: Kr/Ar lasers for sale

Search the CONFOCAL archive at http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal

Dear listers


Following recent replacement of our Zeiss LSM310 confocal microscope, we have 2 Melles Griot Krypton/Argon lasers (including power supplies) for sale. One is newly refurbished; the other has a couple of hundred hour’s use I think.


Please contact me for further details.









Dr. Mark Auty

National Food Imaging Centre


Food Processing & Functionality Department

Moorepark Food Research Centre



Fermoy, Co. Cork, Ireland


tel: +353 25 42442

fax: +353 25 42340

[hidden email]




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Eolas faoi run ata sa riomhphost seo agus i gceangaltan ar bith ata leis agus is le haghaidh iul agus usaid an te a bhi beartaithe lena fhail agus do siud amhain a sainiodh e. D'fheadfadh an t-eolas seo a bheith faoi reir ag pribhleid dli no ghairmiuil agus go mbeadh cearta sealuchais intleachtuil san aireamh.  Mas amhlaidh nach tu an faighteoir a beartaiodh, ni mor duit gan an teachtaireacht seo na aon chuid de a usaid, a nochtadh, a choipeail, a scaipeadh, na a choimead. Mas tri dhearmad a fuair tu an riomhphost seo cuir e sin in iul don te a sheol chugat e laithreach agus scrios amach gach coip de as do choras riomhaireachta.  Cibe tuairimi a chuirtear in iul sa teachtaireacht seo is leis an seoltoir fein iad ach amhain i gcas go ndeir an seoltoir go sonrach gurbh iad tuairimi Teagasc iad.


Norman Scholfield Norman Scholfield
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Re: Kr/Ar lasers for sale

Search the CONFOCAL archive at http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal
Hello Mark
How much are wanting for these lasers

Dr Norman Scholfield
Basic Medical Science (Physiology)
School of Medicine and Dentistry
Queens University
Medical Biology Centre
97 Lisburn Road
Belfast, BT9 7BL
Northern Ireland
Tel: (+44) 2890 972082
     (+44) 7712188019
Web: http://www.qub.ac.uk/cmsrc


From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Mark Auty
Sent: 09 November 2007 17:18
To: [hidden email]
Subject: FW: Kr/Ar lasers for sale

Search the CONFOCAL archive at http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal

Dear listers


Following recent replacement of our Zeiss LSM310 confocal microscope, we have 2 Melles Griot Krypton/Argon lasers (including power supplies) for sale. One is newly refurbished; the other has a couple of hundred hour’s use I think.


Please contact me for further details.









Dr. Mark Auty

National Food Imaging Centre


Food Processing & Functionality Department

Moorepark Food Research Centre



Fermoy, Co. Cork, Ireland


tel: +353 25 42442

fax: +353 25 42340

[hidden email]




The information contained in this email and in any attachments is confidential and is designated solely for the attention and use of the intended recipient(s). This information may be subject to legal and professional privilege including intellectual property rights. If you are not an intended recipient of this email, you must not use, disclose, copy, distribute or retain this message or any part of it. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete all copies of this email from your computer system(s). Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifically states them to be the views of Teagasc.


Eolas faoi run ata sa riomhphost seo agus i gceangaltan ar bith ata leis agus is le haghaidh iul agus usaid an te a bhi beartaithe lena fhail agus do siud amhain a sainiodh e. D'fheadfadh an t-eolas seo a bheith faoi reir ag pribhleid dli no ghairmiuil agus go mbeadh cearta sealuchais intleachtuil san aireamh.  Mas amhlaidh nach tu an faighteoir a beartaiodh, ni mor duit gan an teachtaireacht seo na aon chuid de a usaid, a nochtadh, a choipeail, a scaipeadh, na a choimead. Mas tri dhearmad a fuair tu an riomhphost seo cuir e sin in iul don te a sheol chugat e laithreach agus scrios amach gach coip de as do choras riomhaireachta.  Cibe tuairimi a chuirtear in iul sa teachtaireacht seo is leis an seoltoir fein iad ach amhain i gcas go ndeir an seoltoir go sonrach gurbh iad tuairimi Teagasc iad.