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Facility Manager required for Cell Imaging Unit, Gulbenkian Institute of
Science, Oeiras, Portugal._
The Gulbenkian Institute of Science (IGC) seeks a manager for the Cell
Imaging Unit (uic.igc.pt <
http://uic.igc.pt/>). The Unit presently runs
12 microscopes (
https://agendo.cirklo.org/igc/index.php?class=1) on a
community basis; super-resolution and FCS (fluorescence correlation
spectroscopy) microscopes will be introduced into the Unit shortly. The
unit also offers platforms for image processing using most industry
standard packages (MetaMorph, ImagePro, Imaris, ImageJ, etc).
The Manager of the Cell Imaging Unit has the following responsibilities:-
.to supervise the maintenance and use of high-end microscope devices
.to provide training on the instruments and help with experimental
design for facility users
.to implement new technological developments at the level of hardware
and image processing tools
The candidates must have had post-doctoral experience in high-end
imaging techniques including data handling, and preferably some
leadership/management expertise. The Gulbenkian Institute of Science
offers a lively intellectual environment, and staff of the unit have
been involved on a regular basis in high impact publications. The
Imaging Unit was also at the core for yearly EMBO Practical Courses on
advanced imaging methods over the past decade.
The successful candidate will be expected to contribute actively to this
environment and support projects ranging from chromatin epigenetics to
intra-vital imaging of malaria infection of whole organs.
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Dr Nuno Moreno
[hidden email] <mailto:
[hidden email]>or +351 214
464 538). Interested candidates should send a motivation letter, CV and
the names of up to three referees to Professor Jonathan Howard, Director
of the Gulbenkian Institute of Science (
[hidden email]
[hidden email]>).