Ferragosto and Optical nanoscopy on La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento - open access

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Alberto Diaspro-2 Alberto Diaspro-2
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Ferragosto and Optical nanoscopy on La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento - open access

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Dear friends,
hopefully you had a nice Ferragosto day... in Italy is the day celebrating summer everywhere... tomorrow some relax after great barbecues with Fiorentina and more...fresh home made pasta... this is not the topic of my email.
We have available a review on Optical Nanoscopy, open access on La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento,  international journal under the auspices of the italian and european physical societies.

Link: https://rdcu.be/b6ieY

All the best

Alberto Diaspro
Dipartimento di Fisica, UNIGE
Dipartimento di Nanofisica, IIT
