Fluorescence Dyes

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rmazid rmazid
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Fluorescence Dyes

Hi, I am very new to confocal and have gained access to one,"Confocal Microscopy A1Rsi MP from Nikon."
I was wondering if anyone could tell me which fluorescence dyes would be suitable for imaging pDNA attached to polymeric particles such as polyethylenimine (PEI), poly-L-lysine (PLL), polyamidoamine (PAMAM) and chitosan.
You help will be much appreciated. Thank you

Dan Metcalf Dan Metcalf
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Re: Fluorescence Dyes

Working on the assumption that you have laser lines at 405 nm, 488/514 nm, 561 nm and 640 nm then I'd recommend:

Alexa fluor 488
Alexa fluor 568
Alexa fluor 647

You could also try ATTO or DyLight dyes which have similar emission and excitation wavelengths available. All of these are bright and relatively photostable. I'm not sure if there are any differences in how well you can conjugate them to your particles of interest though so you should check that before you buy.

Dan Metcalf

National Physical Laboratory
Hampton Road
Middlesex, TW11 0LW