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Dear all,
I have no experience working with tissue sections, but I have a client who is
trying to fix and stain fresh liver tissue for a protein located on the apical side
of the cellular membrane. As far as I know the fresh tissue is snap-frozen,
sectioned (not embedded in paraffin), then fixed and stained with Ab's for
immunofluorescence. Acetone/Chloroform or 4% PFA methods have been
utilized. Also permeabilized with 0.1% Triton-X 100 (might be an issue since the
Ab is against a membrane protein?). No antigen retrieval method has been
employed. Does anyone have any suggestions regarding preparation of fresh
liver tissue?
There are far too many protocols online, and it is difficult to sort through them
all when your experience working with tissue is nil.
Thank you all in advance for your help!