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Fluorescent agonists/antagonists

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neeraj Gohad-3 neeraj Gohad-3
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Fluorescent agonists/antagonists

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Dear List,


Does anybody use or know of commercially available fluorescently labeled agonists or antagonists of alpha and/or beta adrenergic receptors?    Invitrogen (no commercial interest) has fluorescent prazosin (Cat#B7434) which is an antagonist of alpha-1 adrenergic receptor. Also are their kits available for fluorescently labeling catecholamines like noradrenaline?  Molecular probes used to sell fluorescent noradrenaline in the past but was discontinued around 2004.   






Neeraj V. Gohad, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow

Okeanos Research Group,

Department of Biological Sciences,

132 Long Hall,

Clemson University

Clemson, SC-29634.

[hidden email]
