For Sale - Leica TCS 4D Confocal Microscope

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Terry Wu Terry Wu
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For Sale - Leica TCS 4D Confocal Microscope

Hello all,

We are trying to free up our space for a new confocal microscope.  Our Leica TCS 4D confocal microscope is in full working condition.  It was made in 1996.  The system has been well maintained and the laser (Omnichrome 171-B) was replaced about 2-3 years ago.

Here are some of the specs:

- Upright microscope
- Argon/Krypton laser with excitation at: 488, 568 and 647
- Up to 3 channel simultaneous scan
- Superb spatial resolution with digital zoom
- Great for morphological studies

Lecia DMR BE upright micrscope

- Objective 1 - Leica PL Fluotar, 10x, NA 0.3
- Objective 2 - Lecia PL Fluotar, 20x, NA 0.5
- Objective 3 - Zeiss 40x oil, NA 1.0
- Objective 4 - Leica PL APO, 100x oil, NA 1.4
- Objective 5 - Leica PL APO, water, 63x, NA 1.2

Filter Cubes:

         excitation: 450-490
        dichroic: 510
        emission: 515 long pass

         excitation: 515-560
        dichroic: 580
        emission: 590 long pass

         excitation: 560-680
        dichroic: 660
        emission: 625-775

We are at the University of Minnesota.  Please contact me by email if you are interested in making an offer. 



Terry Wu, Ph.D.
Dept of Neuroscience
University of Minnesota

6-145 Jackson Hall
321 Church Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Phone: 612-625-2407
Fax: 612-625-5149